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Top 46 Features to add to TheForce.net
by the readers of TheForce.Net

There's only one submission on here which actually sounds like a bonafide awesome idea (See #7) but the rest deserve to be heard. I will make sure TFN gets them ASAP. :)

46. Change the title to "TFN E-Humor". Everything sounds more high-tech with the letter "E" in front of it.
by ComicKook

45. People are still picking on you about not updating caption contests, and you want to add 46 new features?!? Be my guest - I'll be laughing in the corner if you need me.
by Macaroni Penguin

44. I think you guys should do my laundry.
by Macaroni Penguin

43. A new and improved Top 47 List!
by grob

42. David West Reynolds does a Star Wars visual dictionary of Josh Griffen's house.
by Bob Darin

41. More Lando captions. TFN Games has you SOOOOOOO beat.
by Tom's biggest fan

40. MORE WIL WHEATON INTERVIEWS!!! (proceeds to get sacked)
by Klattu

39. A page explaining what the HELL it is with SW geeks and Taun We!!!
by TFN Staff

38. TFN vs. Starwars.com - The Fanfilm!
by Marty Guerre

37. An option to translate any page to OVER 6 MILLION FORMS OF COMMUNICATION!
by Elad Avron

36. In 5 words or less, explain how you would have made AOTC better. Best essay gets to direct EpIII
by Randall Flagg

35. Section that can play the Imperial March Backward to find the secret message: I want chicken, I want liver, Meow Mix, Meow mix, Please Deliver
by TheMagicBagel33

34. Jaba's dance slaves....jumping on trampolines.
by Java the Hut

33. The Kill Jar Jar scene builder. The only place in any galaxy where you can atleast pretend to kill that acursed Gungan.
by Jedi Master Kat

32. Name that stormtrooper
by RD

31. Do a feature on me "The Man who once thought he met Harrison Ford."
by carboitehydrates

30. A dating service.
by carboitehydrates

29. I don't know!!! Stop bothering me!!! damm you TFN! DAMM YOU!!!!!!!..........sorry 'bout that, bad day and all........I need a friend.....
by Legolas'girl

28. Your a Texas A&M site, and have nothing about College Football.
by carboitehydrates

27. Virtual Tour of Rick McCallums Sweater Drawer.
by carboitehydrates

26. Up to the minute weather reports for Tatoonie, Endor, Naboo, Bespin, Hoth, Corasant, Kamino, Genosis, Degabah, and Pittsburgh.
by carboitehydrates

25. MORE STRONGBAD EMAILS!!! ...wait, what site is this?...

24. The "Natalie Portman Stalker of the Week" (for FBI purposes only)
by McJedi

23. Pictures of Taun We...(Homer Voice) Mmmmmm.... Taun We...
by strfightr10

22. A raise for the Humor Editor
by brown nose

21. Humor (OUCH!)
by Ben S. Gaulk

20. Humour (OUCH!)
by British Ben S. Gaulk

19. Comido (!UF!)
by Ben S. Gaulk - EN ESPANOL!

18. I think I speak on behalf of all SW fans when I say that we desperately need a "How to Get a Life" section. If you're feeling daring, try a "How to Get a Chick" section.
by Ben S. Gaulk

17. A special section for those fans who always had questions about Star Wars but were to afraid to ask.
by Darth Steve

16. "A small thermal exhaust port right below the main port."

15. If it could convert flame wars into usable energy, we could power the earth forever.
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

14. Translation of TFN for Saddam Hussein - maybe if he reads the Top 46 list, he'll cheer up and disarm.
by Darth Krusty

13. TFN Humor gets Updated - the Fan Fiction
by shut my mouth

12. Lucas runs TFN - "I don't like the front page, make it faster, more intense."
by foogly

11. McCallum runs TFN - "Humor didn't get updated? We're so #$(*-ed."
by foogly

10. It should add a Scottish accent to everything I type. Don't ask me how, just do it!
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

9. Editing done by Jonathan Hales. "Other humor sites are rough like sand. TF.N humor is soft and smooth."
by The_Bishop

8. A slow-motion instant replay of the Yoda fight, combining three or four camera angles, with optional Madden commentary

7. MSTings of the worst fanfics.
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

6. "Now, witness the uploading power of this FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL humor section...You may update when ready."
by Emperor Yoda

5. ANYTHING but an official Meatball forum.
by doggans

4. A contest to guess the amount of ear hair yoda has.
by Darth Tom

3. Star Wars Personality test: Hey look I'm witty like Palpatine, quick to anger like Anakin, and sensitive like Chewbacca.
by Billy

2. Again... !TFN EN ESPANOL! !Oh, es un mucho grande idea! !Me gusta! !Los monos son locos!
by Ben S. Gaulk

1. Yeah. Laundry sounds pretty good.
by Tycho Celchuuu

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