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Top Ten Things Overheard Leaving Episode II
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. "I wish I'd been there so I could chat Padme up - even my lines can beat Anakin's!"
by Keith

9. What's the deal with that Palpatine guy? I think he may be hiding something.
by Conor Edmiston

8. Yoda would have lost if Dooku had used his Golden Gun.
by Jabba the Hatt

7. "Justin, Joey, they cut our scene! Let's go egg Old Man Lucas' house!"
by Rob London

6. Jay and Silent Bob will return in Episode III
by will3P0

5. Now we have the water planet and the rock planet to go with the ice planet, the swamp planet, the desert planet, and the city planet. Whats next the miles and miles of endless kentucky fields planet
by MysticFett

4. What are you going to do, Anakin? Kiss Padme or mope her to death?
by Grandma Tarkin

3. So let me get this straight, Saruman is actually a Dark Jedi?
by The Guy With The Face

2. Well, yeah, I'd give me right hand to marry Natalie Portman, too
by Bob Fett

1. "Oh my God! That film totally spoke to me! I HATE sand!!"
by Trinity Kenobi-Fallon

10. The sound of 300 people simultaneously drying the pee off their pants after watching Yoda fight.
by FUNKMastrGeneral

9. What? No slave Amidala?!?
by The Guy With The Face

8.Dude I could totally see the unshielded exhaust port on Dooku's holograpic Death Star schematic
by Josh

7. Is that a lightsaber in your pants or are you just happy to see Natalie Portman?
by Jedimaster Lou

6. How many Bothans died to bring us this movie?! Why can't they LIVE for once?! **starts sobbing**
by Luke Skyrunner

5. "Hey George, how's the prequel coming?" "Oh, fine. But we're having trouble doing a CGI of Jar Jar being thrown off a cliff."
by Secret7

4. Sheesh what corny love scenes... "We've decided not to fall in love, Anakin, which is why I'm wearing all of these sexy outfits around you..."
by Peter Tutham

3. I wanted to spoil the ending for the people waiting in line, but I realised nothing happened.
by Dupsi

2. "Tight.... white.... jumpsuit.... tight... white... jumpsuit... Luke, I want to be your father!"
by Nerf Herder

1. I want to go home, and re-think my life...
by Red 5

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