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Sappy Nickames That Luke And Mara Have For Each Other
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. "Luke-y-poo" and "Mara-poo"
by Princess Lisa

9. "Mynock Lips"
by Brian

8. "My little Sithspawn" and "My itty bitty Emperor's Hand"
by Dan Reyes

7. "My big hunka-hunka burning Force" and "My little power converter".
by Admiral Akbar & Jeff

6. Mara calls Luke the 'Tusken Whiner' and Luke calls Mara 'L'il Psycho' ... oh, wait you mean what they call each other face to face...
by Jedi Knight Ivyan

5. "Mara Babe" and "Luke Sweet-Talker"
by KLBS180

4. For some weird reason they like to call each other "Han" and Leia".....
by Jedi Bib

3. "Sith-lumkins" and "Forcie-poo"
by Bob

2. "Fuzzy Wuzzy Jedi Punk" and "Maranade"
by Darth Datadog

1. "Tiger" and "MJ"
by Joe Antilles

10. "Sweetsaber"
by The Ewok avenger

9. "Snuggle-wampa-kins"
by The Littlest StormTrooper

8. "Forcey-buns" and "Mare-bare"
by Swin Agen (Harry Pitts)

7. "Loo Loo" and "Moo Moo"
by Araviah

6. "His little ex-assassin for the Emperor" and "Her final assignment"
by Tony

5. "Snooky-Wookie-kins" and "Jedi Love Muffin"
by Rogue_Jedi

4. "Muke" and "Lara"
by Ki-Bara-Mundi

3. "Hunny Bunny" and"Whiner"
by Sithknot

2. "Walky" and "Mar Mar"
by SirKnightLord

1. "No Hand/Right Hand"
by Tokugawa

10. "Jedi Knite-Lite"
by HPS00

9. "Canon-Boy" and "EU-Girl".
by Darth Nader

8. "Wormie" and "Carrot-Top".
by Dubya Fett

7. "Emperor's Pet and Daddy's Boy"
by Darth_Fruitcake

6. "Son of a Sith"
by Yuijedi

5. "Lucky Luke"
by M.J.Skywalker

4. "Ooohh, Callista... I mean Mara."
by R0-4

3. "Force cupcake"
by Blue

2. "My knight in shining stormtrooper armor"
by Romeo77

1. "One-handed Joe" and "Nag-o-matic"
by Bob

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