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Cut Scenes From A&E's "Biography" On George Lucas
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Young George building his first podracer
by Darth Malph

9. Behind the scenes look at Lucas trying to pay Peter Cushing with Republic credits
by Randall Flagg

8. Lucas, Spielberg, Coppola, and De Palma were a boy band for a brief period in the early Seventies.
by Conor Edmiston

7. The half-hour tour of George's Flannel collection
by Padawan Drew

6. A quick shot of his 3,000 square foot Star Trek fan-room.
by Jedi Master Bob

5. George Lucas reveals the name of Episode III - "The Killer Radioactive Sith Lords"
by Master Nick

4. Jar Jar walking in the backround and then running out of the room as George yells, "I told you to stay in the basement!"
by megHan

3. Scene from the A&E editing room showing George Lucas restoring the original 5 minutes cut from the "George Lucas Biography".
by Maul of America

2. All those shots of Lucas rampaging through dealer rooms at cons with a blowtorch screaming " Pile all the Holiday Specials in the middle of the floor and no one gets HURT!"
by Tarak Duras

1. Three words: "Howard the Duck"
by Darth Penelope

10. Home movie footage of George, age 9, making lightsaber sounds while madly swinging at the pi?ata during his birthday party.
by Keishin

9. The infamous "Showdown at Skywalker Ranch."
by The Great Jedi Wannabe

8. Young George in college, having dinner with his aunt and uncle, whining about wanting to go pick up some projector film.
by Captain EO

7. Interview with Vince McMahon regarding his brief fling as a pro wrestler.
by Darth Tanian

6. His extra long fish story: "I swear that Dragonsnake was THIS big!"
by Dan Reyes

5. That 1978 incident when his army of clones attacked the studio where "Battlestar Galatica" was made
by Boba "I Kill Gungans" Fett

4. Horrific sequence where Harry Smith is knocked unconscious by Lucas's spitcurl after leaning in too close.
by John Myers

3. "After the failure of THX 1138, Lucas delved deeper and deeper into a flannel addiction that still haunts him to this day."
by crimsonboyy

2. Time he was asked what sound a jar makes when it hits the ground. "Jar? Jars kinda 'bink' . . .Hey, I got an idea!"
by Bubba Fett

1. How living off candy bars & coffee will make you successful!
by jedibruce

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