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Jobs That Greedo Tried Before Becoming A Bounty Hunter
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Knife Thrower... hey, he was good
by Moron

9. Speech Therapist
by Brian

8. Repo-rodian
by thrawn's lackey

7. Original Darren on "Bewitched"
by ComicKook

6. Bounty Paper Towel Hunter
by Boobie Fett

5. Kermit's stunt double for the aborted Muppets Action movie
by Eric J. Brown

4. Spokesman for Vlassic Pickles
by hairlesswookie

3. Postal Worker
by Obi Von Mando

2. The Alligator in the Oil of Olay commercials
by Jester

1. Five words: "You want fries with that?"
by Katy Farry

10. President and Client of the "Hair Club for Rodians"
by Darth Skater

9. Blaster shot inspector. Paid under the table of course
by Matthew Domville

8. Dancer for the Imperial Ballet Corps
by JediMistressDragon

7. Lipstick model
by Dra Dra Binks

6. Tax collector for I.R.S. ( wasn't evil enough)
by t. o'm.

5. Peace Corps representative

4. Chia Pet
by Lady Lightbringer

3. Motivational speaker for the self-delusional losers of the galaxy club
by DarthIdiot

2. English Teacher
by General VeerZ

1. Stormtrooper blaster firering instructor.
by Darth Loopy

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