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Things Chewbacca Hears From His Wife Whenever He Gets Around To Actually Going Home
by the readers of TheForce.Net

by Claire

9. "Get a haircut, you look like a nerf herder!"
by Beth Kenobi

8. "Chewie, you're late! You told me you were going to be home sequels ago!"
by ComicKook

7. "See kids? I TOLD you that you had a father!"
by Zeth Raltier

6. "I sent you to get some spices at the corner store! That was five years ago!"
by Obi Von Mando

5. "You're late!"
by Princess Lisa

4. "How many times have I told you? DON'T WIPE YOUR FEET ON THE KIDS!"
by Matthew Domville

3. "You didn't bring that annoying gold thing this time, did you?"
by Pyro Sith

2. "So I'm supposed to believe an old man, 2 droids and some kid got you all the way to Allderran. Then it 'magically disappeared'...''
by Walter Danek

1. He never hears anything, all he gets is The Stare
by The Littlest StormTrooper

10. "Going to the store huh? Be back in 20 minutes huh?"
by Darth Bludgeon

9. "She called you a 'walking carpet'?! How dare you tell her my pet name for you!"
by Caramba (not!)

8. "I don't care if you had to save the galaxy from the Evil Empire! From now on, you come home BEFORE ten!"
by Nice-But-Dim

7. "Now that you're back, here's a little list of things for you to do around the house ..."
by Grandma Tarkin

6. "Dinner's on the table, 'lil Chewie's in bed and I'm on my way to Bingo with the girls! See ya!" :::slams door:::
by Katy Farry

5. "Oh I see. So you can save the universe from the hands of the Empire but you can't deliver the garbage into the hands of the trashman?"
by Darth Insidious

4. "Take a shower, you smell like a Corellian."
by Captain EO

3. "I'm not gonna tell you again, don't leave your bowcaster out where the kids can get to it!"
by Chewie Bacca

2. "You and your so-called life-debt. What about your child-support-debt?"
by hairlesswookie

1. I don't care if you were saving the Galaxy, you still didn't phone to tell me where you were
by CookedHaggis

10. "So you're a fan of the Greek classics. Odysseus only stayed away for 15 years, you know..."
by Lilu

9. "Dinner?! You expect dinner?!"
by Obi Von Mando

8. "I told you! You are responsible for that lawn... I don't care if it is 168 feet high, that's what you get for running off with that San Holo boy..."
by Jet Vega

7. "Good ... YOU can go to Itchy's parent-teacher conference tonight!"
by Darth Penelope

6. "Did you remember to pick up the flea and tick collar for Junior?"
by Darth Chuck

5. "Peter Mayhew called, he wants his costume back."
by Darth Shaw

4. "I told you that Han Solo was nothing but trouble, now you have another death mark on your head because of those spices, how many times must I tell you..."
by KiwiJedi

3. "Save the galaxy, defeat the Empire... do you manage to bring home a SINGLE bottle of Head & Shoulders?"
by Boba Fetta Cheese

2. Why is a protocol droid stuck to your back?
by Modal Nodes Bes

1. "How come the Princess didn't give YOU a medal, huh? Weren't YOU on that death star? What am I supposed to tell Mother?"
by ComicKook

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