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Top 10 Star Wars Halloween Activites
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Sell batteries for all the Jedi/Sith costumed people whose lightsabers ran out of power.
by AnotherAgentSmith

9. Make a Death Star out of a pumpkin, then put a firecracker in it.

8. Bobbing for Dianogas... or rather Dianogas bobbing for you...
by Emperor Palpatim

7. "Hello, little boy, what are you dressed as?" "I'm a spoiler!" "AHHHH, get away from me!!! (slam)"
by Jar Jar Bites

6. Running around as Darth Maul... in both peices.
by Bowman Gavin

5. Howabout a SW Halloween Special!....*gasp*....... cant.............breathe
by Blue_Ice-Green_Fire

4. A Halloween caption?! The way these updates were going, I was only preparing for SW Christmas activities!!! - Jango Fett helmet stockings.
by Obi Von Mando

3. Dell Technician: Spending the evening in "Dell" by answering endless phone calls about how AOL 8 crashed Windows while thinking of fun things to do with a lightsaber.
by Jedi Master Steven the Dude

2. While trick-or-treating, say, "Gimme candy. Now." Then hold up your thermal detonator.
by Nemesis

1. Dressing up as Darth Vader and fighting every young "Padwan Obi-Wan" because that is sooooo last movie!
by Darth Drama Diva

10. Winning second prize for "Best Pimp Costume" with your rendition of Lando.
by Darth Buckeye

9. Making fun of the kid wearing the Raggedy Andy costume when everyone else is dressed like Chewbacca.
by Darth Buckeye

8. Hey, any excuse to go to Natalie Portman's house is a good excuse.
by Brian

7. Bantha Tipping
by Java the Hutt

6. Egg Skywalker Ranch until Lucas agrees to make Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
by Jedi_Master_Kat

5. "Trick or Treat! What? No treat? Commence Primary Ignition..."
by JediTook

4. Little padowans gathering together to "force fling" toilet paper into Senator Palpatine's front yard.
by Blow-Mi-One Cannolli

3. Pin the vibro-axe on the Jar Jar
by Cirrocco

3. Dressing up as Yuuzhan Vong. (Hope ya like pain...)
by pokenerd56

2. "mind trick or treat"
by 'sticks'

1. "Hey, R.A. Salvatore, what did you get?" "I got a rock." "That's what you get for Chewie, man..."
by Tom Harrison

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