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GOOD Things About Being Frozen In Carbonite
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Being unconscious while everyone's having delusions of grandieur.
by Luke Skyrunner

9. No Taxes!
by Wormieyoda

8. Your friends will never know how many licks it takes to get to the center...
by Dex1138

7. Decades of AC, free of charge....for all those scorching Tatooine midday thermal waves...
by RaptoR

6. You would personaly make Picaso jealous
by Captain Morgan

5. That carbonny after-taste in your mouth! Yummy!
by Pineapple Jedi

4. You won't have to spend money watching TPM in the theater, you can just rent it and fast forward through Binks.
by darth ryoko

3. You avoid spoilers
by Dead Star

2. No more of Luke's incessant whining...
by Jade's Fire2003

1. You missed the '70s, disco, hair bands, the Clinton Adimistration, and all of the 'Police Academy' movies.
by Darth Harley

10. Makes the wait for "Episode II" just fly by.
by Darth Nader

9.Luke Skywalker might come and rescue you! (Oh, Mark Hamill, he's so dreamy!)
by Admiral Akbar & Jeff

8. You get to hang around with Boba Fett.
by Lobot Monster

7. It's better than an anti-aging cream!
by Mageeia, Dark Lady of the Sith

6. You get to miss out on all that Survivor crap . . . and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire . . . and NSYNC . . .
by Super Dave

5. You'll still be around when they unfreeze Maddona!
by darth pansy

4. When 900 years old you reach, look as good you WILL!
by Tim Piper

3. Getting all that time to reflect on your life and wonder at the meaning of existance
by Darth Baker

2. If you itch you can't scratch it, wait a second...
by Sweek

1. The rent's free.
by Matt Stevenson

10. It does wonders for the complexion.
by Keith

9. You know at least somone thinks you're humourous: Jabba
by pompous george

8. Chicks love blind guys.
by The Littlest Stormtrooper

7. You proved your mother right when she said "Your face will freeze like that."
by Auriellis

6. No work!
by H.

5. No one can see you picking your nose.
by Sasquatch

4. Free rides on Slave I!
by Bubba_Fett_22

3. You don't have to see the Star Wars Holiday Special!!!!
by Arica

2. Magic shirt changing!
by Jedi_Master_Allya

1. Can work towards the world record for 'Worse morning breath'.
by jedi_022

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