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Other Modifications Han Solo Made To The Millennium Falcon
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Walk-in closet... per Leia's request...
by ~Becky~ bekybob13@aol.com

9. What used to be a gun turret has now become a good-sized Jacuzzi...
by Tiene Leche

8. Who needs sleeping quarters when you can have a wetbar instead...
by Caramba...(nope)

7. Nitrous oxide tanks are really for the crew, not the ship.
by Tokugawa

6. Installing 1 million credits worth of Wookie hair-styling equipment.
by Mark Lord Of The Sith

5. A cedar deck in the cockpit
by Arica

4. The little used convertable option.
by Captain Morgan

3. The best stereo system in the galaxy
by Psycho Jedi

2. Installed a "That's-no-moon" roof.
by sullijo

1. Added the 8-Track player.
by Waterfarmer

10. The furry dice hanging in the cockpit
by Ado Tain

9. Speakers that blast "We Will Rock You" as he kicks Imperial Butt
by Darth Karg

8. A 3' X 3' room that can ony be opened from the outside for his mother-in-law
by Commander THOOSC

7. Escape pods into a Sauna
by The Clonetrooper

6. "Kashyyyk Pine Tree" Air Freshener
by JettFunk

5. Hidden wall compartment that stores a secret Espresso machine.
by KLBS180

4. It can detect Replicants AND has it's own temple to Kali in the back
by Burtino

3. Dropped the landing gear down and added a rear spoiler for that slick sporty look.
by JD

2. Loreal Wookie Haircurling Machine, not because hes worth it, but he'll rip your arms off otherwise
by diskerror

1. Carbon-freezing chamber used to keep his beer cold.
by Pseudonym

10. The electric Whoopie Cushion in the co-pilot's seat
by Darth Baker

9. The Infinite Improbability Drive
by Randall Flagg

8. A gigantic superweapon capable of destroying planets
by Swin Agen ( Harry Pitts )

7. "...and if I push this button, whiney brats named Luke are automatically jettesoned into space"
by Beth Kenobi

6. A Billy Bass that speaks Batchi.
by Darth Nader

5. Genuine bantha-hide seats.
by Assistant Manager Piett

4. Gold Yatzee table to go with the gold dice
by Brian

3. Removing the disco ball that Lando had installed.
by Bry-Gon

2. MS-DOS for his nav computer
by DarthMark_

1. Mr. Coffee
by Jet Vega

10. A beaded seat cover
by Jedi Bib

9. Mr. Thirsty: zero-g toilet flusher.
by Bubba Fett

8. Horn now plays "Indiana Jones Theme".
by DavidW

7. "My other spaceship is a Star Destroyer" bumper sticker
by Grandma Tarkin

6. Recording that will automaticly kick in and say in Han's voice, "I've got a bad feeling about this."
by Jedi Girl of Corellia

5. The ejector booster under 3PO's seat. One day...
by jarist

4. Playstation 2
by darth mark

3. License plate: Han 1
by Elbmow

2. Julian potato slicer
by Dan Brown

1. Death Star jumper cables
by Donnie

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