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Top 46 Titles for Episode III
by the readers of TheForce.Net

Since it's been said that any title that people guess for the next movie automatically means George won't use it, consider this me just doing my part to eliminate corny possibilities. :)

46. Episode III: And No I'm not making another
by Max

45. Epsiode 3: Anakin's Anger Management (or lack there of)
by shaft

44. Star Wars: No Hope
by Grand_Moff_Josh

43. Sith Happens
by padme_amidala_19

42. Episode 3: Last Day of Geekdom
by Rurouni Jedi

41. Star Wars: Anakin Sells Yoda Some Swampland
by Jedi Sanity Master

40. Star Wars: The Wonder Years (James Earl Jones does the voice-overs for all Anakin's thoughts and reminisces)
by Jedi Sanity Master

39. Star Wars: The episode to explain the huge regression in technology beween trilogies.
by Captain EO

38. Nerfs...in...Space!
by Cirrocco

37. Don't submit anything! Lucas may be reading this for ideas!
by Padawan Drew

36. STAR WARS Episode III: Jar-Jar Dies! WOOHOO!!!
by Nemesis

35. Return of the... Revenge of...The Clones Strike...no...I dunno. Name it the Happy Funtime Gungan Tinky Winky Play Hour and I'll still see it.
by Darth Sillious

34. The War...Sponsered by Microsoft!
by Cr33dos3 (spread the word!)

33. Look What ILM Can Do Now
by MrBeanTroll

32. Episode III- How I Learned to Stop Trying to be a Jedi and Love the Darkside
by Ash

31. (to the beat of Imp. March) Jar Jar Jar Jar Jar-Jar Jar Jar-Jar
by Vesp

30. I Was Making Movies Before Peter Jackson Quit Wetting His Bed
by Lighthammer72

29. Beat Titanic And I Might Make The Last Three
by Lighthammer72

28. Not Another Crappy Episode Movie
by Blaine

27. *Looking for Love in Alderaan Places*
by The Unposted Menace

26. Revenge of The Sand
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

25. Inspriration For Ten Video Games
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

23. That Kid With The Golf Ball Retriever Doing the Darth Maul Impression Strikes Back
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

22. Ep III: Peter Mayhew's First job in 20 years
by Darth Dmode

21. Killer Klones From Outer Space
by Simon H. Johansen

20. Episode III: Still no Harrison Ford for you!
by Simon H. Johansen

19. EveryThing you wanted to know about the Sith, But were very afried to ask.
by Run Away!!!!!!!!!!

18. Springtime for Vader
by Run Away!!!!!!!!!!

17. TF.N's out of business
by cold_front

16. Episode 3: The Jedi Formerly Known As Anakin
by Dark One

15. Episode III: Qui-Gon as a blue glowing dude
by Brandon

14. Star Wars Episode III: Anakin sleeps with Padme, and YOU DONT! HAHAHAHA!
by ImpliedCheetah

13. Star Wars: The End Before the Begining
by The Littlest StormTrooper

12. The Hokey Pokey Lava Adventure: Get it? for Vader...you put your right hand in, you put your left leg in....
by Java the Hut

11. Star Wars 3: Sith Reloaded
by Dallas Jedi

10. My Big Fat Jedi Funeral
by Dallas Jedi

9. Ben and Ani's most excellent adventure
by Yodalicious

8. Episode III: More CG Than Finding Nemo
by Darth Pleakly

7. Episode III: The Last Episode...we are very sure about this...no we will NOT change out minds.....nothing you can do will change this.....wait..wait....my flannel collection! *sob*
by Who Moved My Cheese?

6. Episode III: Shock and Awe
by Darth_Dave

5. "Grlarhiounfksdahuoainfsdajfiohsa" It's easy to see why that was rejected.
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

4. Ep.III : Yoda crawls under a Rock
by JM

3. Episode III: Attack of the Fans If We Can't Plausibly Tie It All Together
by snowdog83

2. Episode III: Anakin dumps Padme for Palpatine
by Starwars Nostradamus

1. Star Wars Episode III: The Emperor's New Groove
by Magic Cowboy

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