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Bogus Episode 2 Rumors
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Harrison Ford will be in the movie.....
by Me!!!! =8o)

9. Much to everyone's surprise, Sidious pulls back his hood to reveal Kathy Lee Gifford
by Randall Flagg

8. There's a new character in the SW2 script and you're not going to believe his name -- SUPERSHADOW!

7. Queen Amidala doesn't undress, but Yoda does.
by HPS00

6. One Word: DiCaprio
by Winter

5. Micky Rooney's playing Anakin
by Jedi Chicks

4. The next apprentice: Darth Soprano
by obi-wan valdez

3. Obi-Wan's beard is coming back, and it's got lice!
by Mladen Ostojic

2. Special cameo by Andy Kaufman
by Judd-I Nighty night

1. All Jar Jar!!! All Jar Jar All the Time!!!
by Brian Haughwout

10. Gungans slaughtered in an all out Ewok invasion
by Hunterfsm

9. As it shows Spartii Cloning cylinders cloning troops, Weird Al's "I think I'm a Clone Now" plays in the background.
by EnchiladaMan

8. Amidala says the wedding must wait 'till next year and Anakin whines, "That's what you said..."
by jediknt197

7. "I heard that John Travolta will play... Wait, let me try that again without laughing."
by Darth Promotious

6. Mace Windu sporting a 'fro and talking about intergalactic foods with Yoda
by Exar Kun

5. Anakin turns abruptly to the dark side after ridiculed for his clothing when Obi Wan accidently speaks of the outbreak of the "CLOWN wars."
by stearnsy wan kenobi

4. Because Lucas can't get the love story working, he just has Anakin running to the palace with submachine guns killing everyone.
by Not the One

3. Anakin becomes a Jedi only after appearing on the show "Who wants to be a Jedi!"
by NotYourAverageJedi

2. The oldest Hanson Kid as Anakin
by Kris

1. They're casting Mini-Me as an "evil" Yoda...
by Burtino

10. Leonardo Di Caprio as Queen Amidala
by Della (www.flotta999.com)

9. Wicket Warrick: The College Years
by Andre Summers

8. THREE-bladed lightsaber
by Sally Hayes

7. Warwick Davis as Mini-Maul
by CoJo the Sane

6. We'll finally find out what 'The Matrix' is
by Deadeye Knight

5. Rare cameo by reclusive Marlon Brando as "Young Jabba"
by seth the sith

4. Darth Sidious will pull off his hood to reveal the evil face of.... Richard Simmons!
by Mark Hedge

3. Good acting
by Jedi Binks

2. Amidala accidentaly drops anakin (Leo) in the lava pit after promising to "never let go"
by Nit-blazer

1. Backstreet Boys as the Jedi Council
by Smijo Riwil

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