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Gifts Spotted At Mara Jade's Baby Shower
by the readers of TheForce.Net

10. Forearm holster for baby bottle
by EmprsHand

9. Little clear plastic caps for the ends of lightsabers
by jediknt197

8. An authentic Mind-trick-Me Elmo
by Emperor Palpatim

7. An assortment of small bionic hands -- just in case.
by nerfherder

6. Space Ship Seat For The Force Talented Child(how does he/she pick those locks, Luke?)
by Bria Palleen

5. Something from Grandad's friend Palpa..... hang on a minute
by diskerror

4. Force-poop proof diapers
by Cirrocco

3. Wookie fur baby booties
by ringo

2. Ysalamiri Mobile
by Randall Flagg

1. A lifetime subscription to "Jedi Mother"
by Tom Servo 80

10. A Fisher-Price "My First Light Sabre".
by Darth Nader

9. Flannel baby apparel courtesy of George Lucas.
by Dubya Fett

8. Power converters, the poor kid's dad kept whining about 'em, so now maybe the kid won't!
by PEZman4

7. Between Luke's whining and the midnight feedings, LOTS of asprin
by shoeless wonder

6. Teeny-weeny leather boots.
by Fox_Hawke

5. Force Resistant Cabinet Closers
by Jade_Fire

4. Probe Droid baby monitor
by Mike Heidenberg

3. Midichlorian-enriched baby food
by Luc Fitzgerald

2. A pack of those "Pampers" with Lando's picture on them (he's got a new scam again...)
by Lukey Pukey

1. Little Darth Vader suit
by mealso

10. A "Padawan on Board" bumper sticker for the Jade Sabre
by Jedi Knight Ivyan

9. New from RONCO, its the R2D2 diaper pail
by U-Obi Wan Hundred Dollars

8. Pedialyte...Now with meticlorians!
by Glacies

7. Glitterstim Baby Powder
by jedibob

6. Sith-proof playpen
by Winter:)

5. Jar-Jar skin booties
by Cirrocco

4. How to Raise a Jedi 101
by kurt cobain

3. "My First Imperial Blaster"
by NiceButDim

2. Little flight gloves
by Padawan3

1. Anti-Dark Side Baby Monitor
by Rish Outfield

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