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Toronto Report on George Lucas in Love Posted By Scott on September 20, 1999
Jeff Boivin shared the following report with us from the Toronto Film Festival: I went to see Gamera 3 at the Toronto International Film Festival at midnight on saturday. Man, this movie's incredible! But here's my point. Before the movie, they showed "George Lucas in Love" to an audience that was far from disapointed. Everybody was laughing so hard, they missed some of the jokes. Some were yelling: "We want an encore!" The director Joe Nussbaum and producer Joseph Levy gave a speech before the movie, and after there was a q&a session. Somebody asked "Did Lucas see it?" The director answered "Yes, and he got all the jokes. He loved it." Are there any plans to put it out on video? It will be available for download from the internet ( for free on oct.1. Then they will probably put it out on video and DVD. How long did you stay in line for TPM? They didn't, as they were busy editing the movie. Did you like Jar Jar? No comments! Right after, they went to sit in the audience to watch Gamera (I heard they were there for most of the Festival), and that was right in front of me, two rows away! I immediately stood up and congratulated them, shook their hand and tapped their shoulder, then went back to my seat. After Gamera, I tried to see them to ask more questions, but they were surrounded by a crowd. As I was heading back home, I thought of all kinds of questions I could have asked: "Who's that Aaron fellow? Is he supposed to be Aaron Spelling?" "How many hours of footage did you shoot? And where there any script changes during shooting, or scenes that were cut during editing?" "What sources did you read to get the info for the story?" (sigh!) The Drew Struzan-like poster looks very nice (was it actually Struzan???) Nope! It wasn't Drew Struzan! We'll try to get more info on the poster (shown above.)