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Lucas On The TV Shows

Posted By Philip on August 2, 2005

From SCIFI.com:

"Star Wars creator George Lucas told a conference that he will turn his attentions more to television projects, including two Star Wars-themed series, Variety reported. Lucas made the comments in a keynote talk at the annual Siggraph computer graphics conference and tradeshow. 'My life's too short to become a film studio,' he reportedly said.

Lucas added: 'Lucasfilm is going more into television, but it's not a vision I'm running, either as executive producer or by laying out the groundwork.'

The first series is a 3-D animated Clone Wars series that will be made at Lucas Animation's Singapore facility. He said he'll start scouring Asia for talent and try to build up 3-D animation there. In his proposed Star Wars live-action series, he said: 'We're going do something that would normally cost [$20 million-$30 million] and try to do it for $1 million.' Lucas said he'll shoot the series on a Sony digital camera system that anyone can buy at an electronics store."

Thanks to Jedi Knight Mare for the link.

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Her Universe Unveils New May The Fourth SW Products
Posted By Eric on May 1, 2013:
Six new items go on sale on May 4th

Star Wars Day Approaches: Prepare For The Puns
Posted By Eric on April 29, 2013:
SW Blog guest post from a TFN writer

USA Today Conducts ROTJ Retrospective Interviews
Posted By Eric on April 29, 2013:
Updated! McDiarmid, Bulloch, and others weigh in

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