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Download Simpsons Cosmic Wars Parody

Posted By Britany on March 22, 2004

Last nights hilarious episode of the Simpsons was jam packed with references to the Star Wars prequels. Here's a description from DarthKoRn:

At the start, everyone is excited about the latest chapter in the Cosmic Wars (blatant rip-off of Star Wars) called The Gathering Shadow (an obvious reference to The Phantom Menace). Everyone was getting really bored as it was seemingly very "political". Bart complained that opening scrawl was about nothing but ?amendments? and ?regulatory agencies? and it was indeed.

Most of the movie is spent in the senate where they are taking role until a giant robot reminiscent of an AT-AT Walker comes bursting in (Bart roars in with: ?Wow momma, finally some action!?). When the bot just asks for a ?special amendment to a space-bill?, the bot is then asked to sit down and wait its turn, which it does while reading the ?Evening Standard?. At this point, most everyone in the theatre is sleeping.

The new character Jim Jam Bonks (again, obvious rip-off of Jar Jar) was very annoying. Lisa complains of the character being a ?tired stereotype?. Yoda (or what appears to be Yoda, he is basically the same yet purple) appears at what seems to be the end of the movie, saying: ?The decision is final, tabled, this motion is? or is it??, much like how Episode I was ended.

Coming out of the theatre, everyone is complaining, so Lisa and Bart decide to write an angry letter to Randall Curtis (a short version of George Lucas) complaining about the movie. They are written back with a letter and a signed picture of Jim-Jam which makes it blatantly clear that Mr Curtis did not read the letter written by Bart and Lisa. So they decide to go visit Mr Curtis at the Cosmic Wars Ranch in Northern California. So, they are off to see the creator to complain in person.

After meeting Mr Curtis, they tell him that his characters have lost their way, but he says that they are ?getting better all the time, now that they perfected digital eyelash rendering?. Lisa tells him that ?better technology does not make for better story-telling?, and that his early movies were timeless classics. He agrees and decides to go back to ?plots and characters lifted from western and samurai films? and hands the kids some Jim-Jam Cereal (Alphabets with extra J?s). He then jumps on what appears to be a Taun-Taun and rides off into the sun, but not before being tossed around by a drunken Marge and Homer.

You can download the clips in the links below:

Thanks to everyone who sent in alerts and Frank_Palpatine for the clips.

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