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Yummy Star Wars: Cakes A Plenty

Posted By Mike on July 19, 2011

We have four lovely Star Wars-inspired cakes to bring to your attention this balmy summer day. Between the Pages keeps the Yummy Star Wars submissions coming with a duo of Millennium Falcon cakes. One was created by The Butter End in Santa Monica, CA while the other comes from Baltimore's Charm City Cakes. Both light up and have fantastic detail.
(Thanks Karen!)

TFN reader Timothy noticed that Cake Nouveau of Ann Arbor, Michigan posted an image of a Death Star Groom's cake on their Facebook page. The presentation of the Death Star behind crossed lightsabers and on a star-lit base is what really makes this cake work. The smooth look of the Death Star exterior is unique but I'd love to ruin the look as I jab my fork into the cake for the first bite. Just sayin' is all.
(Thanks Timothy!)

The last cake for today comes via TFN/Rebelscum/ForceCast: Jedi Journals renaissance man Chris Wyman. How do I explain this without coming across as quoting the "Father's, Brother's Sister's, Cousin's...former roommate" line from Spaceballs? You see Chris has a lovely girlfriend named Courtney. She in turn has a cousin, whom I can only assume is also lovely. That lovely cousin had herself a couple of lovely children named Carter and Cooper. The lovely cake at bottom right was made by the lovely Courtney's lovely cousin for a fun Star Wars-themed bowling alley birthday party. Lovely!
(Thanks Chris!)

Click on any of the preview images below for full views and make sure to click the links above for more details and images of today's Yummy Star Wars submissions.

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