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The Sociology Of Lucas And Spielberg

Posted By Mike on August 23, 2008

Our friend John Tenuto sent over the following cool news:

"The College Lake County, in Grayslake, Illinois has offered many sociology classes these past few years with a Star Wars connection from That 70s Class: The Sociology of 1970s Popular Culture to The Sociology of Star Wars.

Starting this August, a new themed class Introduction to Sociology: The Sociology of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg's Films (Thursdays from 12:30 to 3:15 PM, SOC 121-015) is being taught by John Tenuto, sociology professor and fan whose research on Star Wars fans is featured in the documentary The Force Among Us.

This class introduces students to the science of sociology utilizing examples from the real world of society, and the reel worlds of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg's films. Sociological theories and research, and their application to culture, socialization, religion, technology, inequality, and media are the themes of the class. Films such as THX-1138, American Graffiti, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Schindler's List, Amistad, and E.T. will be used as examples oft he these themes, and the fans of Star Wars and Indiana Jones will be discussed. Students will present a paper about the sociological themes of the films and the movies illuminate about the 1970s to 2000s zeitgeist.

For more information about the class, contact Professor Tenuto at jtenuto@clcillinois.edu or at the college website www.clcillinois.edu Registration for autumn 2008 classes start soon."

UPDATE: Check out some press coverage of the class right here from the Antioch Review. A few seats are still available in The Sociology of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg's Films, which starts next Thursday!

Thanks John!

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