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Star Wars Is Everywhere: Episode LXVII

Posted By Mike on December 27, 2011

In our last edition of SWIE for 2011, Star Wars is #1 on the interweb, Brisk gets the TPM treatment, we dive into some dumb SW scum, Star Wars goes to college this coming spring, Star Wars Christmas memories warm the heart and much, much more! It's been a good year and 2012 is fixing to be even better! Happy holidays and we hope eveyone has a very fun, yet safe, New Year.

2011 may have seen the release of Harry Potter, Twilight and Transformers films but according to this year's Experian Hitwise list of internet searches, Star Wars ranks at #1 in the category of the "Fastest-moving movie titles." Star Wars = the real deal. Everything else = pretenders to the throne!

Lipton Brisk is getting the TPM treatment according to our friends at TheForcePeru.net.
(Thanks Humberto!)

Games.com reports on some R2-D2 tile art that was created by SamRi for The Sims Social.
(Thanks Dustin!)

TGDaily.com examines the "green lights" that led to the original theatrical release of Star Wars.

Our friends at Den of Geek celebrate the 85th birthday of Elstree Studios.

Star Wars is everywhere and apparently so are Jedi Knights. At least this seems to be the case per the 15,000 Czech citizens who cited Jedi Knighthood as their religion in their latest census results. Read all about it at PerthNow.com.au.
(Thanks Som!)

At the Official SW.com Blog, Pete Vilmur provides a rundown of some "frugal finds" for the thrifty Star Wars shopper.

With over 45 million views, the Volkswagen mini-Darth Vader Super Bowl commercial landed at #9 on the list of the most watched YouTube videos for 2011. You can watch any of the top ten viewed videos right here.

If you enjoy train wrecks, TGDaily.com invites you to take a look back at the Star Wars Holiday Special with them.

Ted Glanzer of the Granbys, CT Patch details a wonderful Star Wars Christmas from his childhood.

Speaking of childhood memories, CNET.com highlights the Star Wars Christmas memories of Darren Hayes from the 90s band Savage Garden.

JournalTimes.com reports on the Rebel Legion and 501st assisting the Salvation Army at the Regency Mall in Wisconsin.

Dr. Who meets Episode I in The Prequel Menace...

Star Wars and other sc-fi franchises will be coming to Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas for the 2012 spring semester according to WashburnReview.org:

"Washburn students have many opportunities when they first come to the university. Many of those come from the various general education courses that are offered.

Students do not have to be restricted to the more traditional general education courses, since Washburn is continuously adding unique and interesting courses for students to branch out in.

For students who are a fan of science fiction, this may be a course for them. Roy Sheldon, a professor in the department of English, instructs a course titled Film Appreciation: Science Fiction (EN 190B and EN 399B.)

"Almost any film genre can be used to learn more about film in general," said Sheldon. "This section of the course uses science fiction film to do so."

Film Appreciation: Science Fiction is an entry level humanities course with no prerequisites needed. In the course, Sheldon will guide students through the vast and sometimes controversial themes that are seen throughout classic and contemporary science fiction films. These can range from time travel and saving the world, to alien invasions and genetic experiments.

Sheldon said some of the films that will be studied in the course may include "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," "Star Wars," "Jurassic Park," "Back to the Future," "The Matrix," "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" and/or "Terminator 2."

"A science fiction film or literature course offers differing visions of what screenwriters believe the future may hold in store for humanity," said Sheldon. "It may expand and challenge one's horizons of possibility."

Sheldon's course will meet for the spring semester on Thursdays, from 5:30 to 8 p.m., in room 260 of Morgan Hall."

Click here for the full article with details on other new courses as well.
(Thanks Som!)

Mandy Brencys designed the fantastic looking Star Wars Evian bottles displayed above for a student project. For the record, I'd buy them if I saw them in a convenience store! Click on the image for the full view.

GameInformer.com examines the best and worst of Star Wars videogame characters.

From TFN reader Steven F:

"I was at Tates Comic Shop and they have Secret Santa Vader with the photo money going to a local charity

Here are the photos from that event"

(Thanks for sharing Steven!)

Behold the "creepy" TaunTaun costume image courtesy of Geeksaresexy.net. Click on the image for the full view.
(Thanks Daniel!)

Finally, in our new SWIE Dumb Scum section, we have a Yahoo News article about a man in Oregon who went on a plastic lightsaber rampage inside and outside of a Toys R Us. Astoundingly, it seems as if the dude used the lightsaber to deflect two shots from a Taser before being taken down. And in more serious news, PalmBeachPost.com reports on a man dressed as Chewbacca who was involved in a shooting in West Palm Beach. Chewie's accomplices have been aprehended though the person who donned the Wookiee costume remains at large and unidentified.
(Thanks to all who sent in the links. We got quite a few e-mails on these.)

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