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Sneak Peek At Lucas Cultural Arts Museum

Posted By Eric on March 5, 2013

Following George Lucas' comments in an interview on CBS This Morning, Lucasfilm fan relations adviser Steve Sansweet has shared some information about Lucas' proposed art museum on his Facebook page. "The entire museum will be a jewel, a place to inspire multiple generations with a heavy emphasis on community and educational outreach," Sansweet wrote on Facebook about the planned facility. It will "include Populist Art of the last century through digital art and cinematic art including concepts, models and costumes from the STAR WARS movies."

The images that you see here are pages from a brochure available on the Presidio Trust's website.

Lucas wrote the following in an introduction to the brochure:

"More than just exhibiting illustration and technological innovation, this cross-section of art can help to describe and define our culture -- its past, present, and future. It provides a unique way to see what's emotionally important to us as a society and how we communicate those feelings without words. The best way to truly understand art is to experience it."

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