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"Simon Pegg: Zombies, Cops And Ewoks?"

Posted By Mike on April 21, 2007

Stop on over to StarWars.com for a fun story about Simon Pegg and his love of Star Wars. You might remember Simon Pegg from co-writing and starring in Shaun of the Dead. His new film, Hot Fuzz opens this weekend. Here is an excerpt:

"I was at my friend Chris's birthday party in 1977," Pegg says. "He'd already seen Star Wars, although at this point I had not. Someone had bought him a set of rub-on transfers of all the characters which I helped him apply to the Death Star diorama that came with them. I clearly remember being fascinated by the character names and not knowing who was who. I wondered why the old man's sword appeared to be on fire. It's the last memory I have before the day my parents finally took me to see the film. I had no idea I was about to take my first step into a larger world."

"Pegg continues, "I was at exactly the right age when I saw A New Hope. It changed everything. Not just the landscape of cinema but of me, as a person. It informed every aspect of my life -- my creativity, my imagination, my appreciation of music and art. It had a comprehensive effect on my growth as a human being."

Click here for the full story over at the main site.

For more info on Simon Pegg's new movie, Hot Fuzz, click here.

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