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R2's Hologram Becomes A Reality

Posted By Mike on October 14, 2008

According to The Wildcat Online, the future is here: (Or is it the past since Star Wars was a long, long time ago? I'm so confused)

"UA researchers have revolutionized the field of holography by being the first to create three-dimensional holograms that are rewritable in a matter of minutes.

"This rewriteability is what made it so significant," said optical sciences professor Nasser Peyghambarian. "It allows you to go into areas you couldn't do before."

The images are created with two lasers and are changeable, as opposed to the two-dimensional images permanently printed on credit cards, Peyghambarian said.

He said the technology is similar to theat immortalized in "Star Wars."

"R2-D2 projects an image of Princess Leia out of thin air," Peyghambarian said. "That's science fiction that now is reality."

He said he is very excited about the multitude of applications this technology can be used for."

Click here for the full story.

Thanks to Stuart ("shazbazzar") for the link.

UPDATE: From The Daily Telegraph in Australia:

"Forget conference calls or video crosses - beaming your hologram interstate for a live chat is closer to becoming a household reality.

In what Telstra says is a national first, the telco today beamed a mobile three dimensional image of its chief technology officer, Hugh Bradlow, from Melbourne to Adelaide to give a live business presentation.

"In Melbourne, we have a high definition video camera which is filming me as I stand here," Dr Bradlow told journalists.

"That signal is being taped across the network and the far end is using a very smart optical projection system to create a holograph, or my virtual presence, in Adelaide."

Dr Bradlow could see who he was talking to in Adelaide via a big, flat panel screen, allowing the real time interaction.

"It has the look and feel of being in the same room together," he said."

Click here for the rest of the article.

Thanks to Matt P. for the link!

UPDATE #2: Could holographic televisions be only 5 to 10 years away? Yes, according to this article at Gizmodo.

Thanks to "Master Devwi" for the heads up!

UPDATE #3: Our friend Ben ("Corellianrogue") sent over the following vids concerning holographic projection:

Thanks Ben!

You can also click here for "3-D Holographic Displays from USC bring Star Wars Fantasies to Life" at CollegeMogul.com.

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