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R2-D2 In Transformers Sequel

Posted By Mike on June 24, 2009

VH1/MTV reveal that R2-D2 has popped up in yet another summer blockbuster outside of the Star Wars galaxy. This time, he's making a cameo in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. You may remember that earlier this spring, R2 popped up in Star Trek. So it seems our favoirite little droid will be in 2 of the biggest summer films of 2009. Not bad for an outdated little astromech. Excerpt below:

"The Force Is With Him
"There's an R2-D2 flying around in there somewhere," revealed Scott Farrar, the film's visual-effects supervisor, who also worked on the "Star Wars" episodes "Return of the Jedi" and "The Phantom Menace." "There's a little bit of space junk thrown in there; see if you can find it. It's a scene in the desert." Interestingly enough, George Lucas' charismatic droid also had a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in "Star Trek," which shares the same writing team as "Transformers." Is it a coincidence? "Perhaps," screenwriter Alex Kurtzman grinned mischievously. "Perhaps not."'

Click here for the full "Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Cheat Sheet: Everything You Need To Know"

Source: The Official Starwars.com Blog

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