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More On "Katie The Star Wars Girl" Posted By Eric on November 22, 2010
A few days ago, the story of Katie Goldman, a young girl who was bullied for liking Star Wars, swept across the Internet and inspired messages of support and encouragement. In the wake of this massive rush of support, Carrie Goldman wrote a followup story about how Katie isn't alone, and how we can all help.
For one, I invite anyone whose child has been teased to read the comments to Katie, and substitute your own child's name in where it says "Dear Katie." Katie represents every child, any child.
Additionally, we should talk with our children about how toys are labeled. One reader sent me an email today and included a photo of the toy section at Walmart, where the toys were grouped into two sections. Yep, you guessed it. One side was labeled "Boys" and the other side was labeled "Girls".
Finally, a Facebook Event has been created on December 10th inviting people to wear a Star Wars article of clothing in support of "Geek Pride" and Katie. Since it is the holiday season, my husband and I would like to remarket this event as "Wear Star Wars - Share Star Wars."
Goldman says her daughter has "definitely internalized the message" that Star Wars is for everyone, and she adds that they are continuing to read every comment.
Here, courtesy of Goldman's blog and WGN TV, is a news report about Katie's story and the fantastic response.
Remember to join in on "Wear Star Wars - Share Star Wars" Day on December 10th. RSVP on Facebook and wear something to show your geek pride. Katie's mom has requested that if you wear a Star Wars item, you also donate a Star Wars or other sci-fi toy to needy children. As an important addition to that request, Katie's mom says, "Please specify that the toy can go to a girl OR a boy, not just a boy."
Thanks to all of our readers who left encouraging messages for Katie!