UPDATE: Got some more new articles this weekend from Indy 4 filming in Hawaii:
mlive.com - "Ford can still fit into Indy's trousers" (Thanks to Ryan for the link to a similar article here at Comcast.net.)
The Hololulu Advertiser - "Indiana Jones having big impact on the Big Island" Cinematical - "Indy 4 Moves on to Aloha State" (A waterfall and Russians, eh?)
UPDATE #2: Dark Horizons posted their "Indiana Jones IV Shooting Update." Below is a brief rundow but you can click here for the full post. (Dark Horizons picked the update up from the Associated Press)
1. Half of Indy 4 to shoot on LA sets while about 20% is to be filmed in Hawaii. 2. Hawaii being used as a South American rain forest and will include the biggest of the films action sequences. 3. Harrison Ford is doing his own stunts...most of them. 4. $125 million budget? 5. Expect the fun and cleverness we have come to look forward to in the Indiana Jones franchise.
Nothing too spectacular or spoilerific, but we love anything Indy.
UPDATE #3:IndianaJones4Blogs.com has some spoilerific set pics and info over at their site. For those that would like to be kept in the dark, click here at your own risk.
UPDATE #4:"Jedi39" is still on top of things as he sent us a link to HarrisonFordWeb.com which has some new Indy 4 prop and set pics. Click here to check them out.