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Melbourne Symphony Tribute To John Williams Posted By Mike on October 16, 2010
Our friend Ed Dolista of the IndyCast lets us know that while they may not be getting Star Wars in Concert in Melbourne, Australia, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will be paying a tribute to John Williams in March of 2011. Tickets can be purchased at, who provide the following description of the event.
"Including music from Jaws, Lost in Space, Jurassic Park, Memoirs of a Geisha, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Superman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and all six movies in the Star Wars saga.
The force is with you as the maestro with the world's sharpest light sabre, Anthony Inglis, returns to pay tribute to the man whose music has been mightier than the choc top for more than three decades. John Williams` music has made us believe a man can fly, has helped dinosaurs terrify us, has created music for a close alien encounter, fought Darth Vader and protected us from Lord Voldemort. Celebrate with the MSO as we salute the man who IS movie music, in this fabulous concert experience.
Presented in association with Raymond Gubbay International."
Dates and times for the performances are as follows: Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 7:00PM Sunday, March 13, 2011 - 2:00PM
Venue: Melbourne Town Hall Cnr. Swanston & Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3000