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Lists Featuring SW To Start The New Year

Posted By Mike on January 2, 2010

Starwars.com brings our attention to a few lists featuring our favorite franchise and since we all love a good list...

The Phantom Menace ranks in at #1 on the Washington Times' list of the 5 most anticipated films.

Star Wars: A New Hope falls on the good list of Sci Fi Wire's "11 movies that changed sci-fi (and 9 that didn't)."

PC World includes the Motorola Droid/George Lucas connection in their list of 9 patent and trademark oddities.

Last but not least, Dan G. wrote to let us know that Fanboys and Revenge of the Sith make Popcorn Monster's list of the "Top 10 Geek Films of the Last Decade (2000-2009)."

UPDATE: Got the following sent in by friend of TFN, "Czolgosz":

'Found an interesting Star Wars-related link for an update sometime. At a site called The Aspect Ratio there have been a number of articles written proclaiming the virtues of the Prequel Trilogy, including a piece that was posted months ago for the tenth anniversary of The Phantom Menace. Most recently, they've done a countdown of the top 100 films of the decade, and both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith made it up pretty high. Interesting stuff."

Thanks "Czolgosz"!

UPDATE #2: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Fanboys show up on the "best" side of DVDCorner's list of the "The Best And Worst Films And TV Shows Of 2009."

Thanks Nick!

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