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Indiana Jones Screening With Spielberg

Posted By Mike on August 23, 2011

Jumping over to another franchise near and dear to a lot of Star Wars fans, our friend Jay West sends word of a Raiders of the Lost Ark screening in Los Angeles complete with a Steven Spielberg Q&A.

"since fans of STAR WARS tend to be RAIDERS fans as well, I wanted to let you know that the LA Times Hero Complex (that I contribute to) is going to have a special 30th Anniversary Screening of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK on September 12th in Downtown Los Angeles with Steven Spielberg on stage doing a Q&A afterwards! The Q&A will be held by Geoff Boucher, who founded the Hero Complex -- and all tickets are free! (first come, first serve). People can follow the Hero Complex on twitter to look out for the link where they can RSVP for tix: http://twitter.com/#!/LATherocomplex "

In addition, Mitchell Hallock of the IndyCast makes sure we're aware of the Indiana Jones World Map created by one of our favorite artists, Matt Busch.

"Just got this great video from Matt Busch on the making of his "Indiana Jones World Map". It's a great piece that combines geography and everyone's favorite whip cracking archeologist!

Authorized through Lucasfilm, this print is funded by the Adirondack Comicfest and all proceeds from the sale of this print go to American Disabled Veterans. Matt is selling these online at MattBusch.com and will have some next week at ComiCONN in Stamford, CT - his only East Coast con appearance this summer."

Thanks to Jay and Mitchell for sending over the news!

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