The Hollywood Reporter has broken news that Harrison Ford has signed on to portray Wyatt Earp in an ucoming adaptation of a 2007 novel titled Black Hats. The novel was written by author Max Allan Collins under the pen name of Patrick Culhane. This is not necessarily the story of Wyatt Earp of which we may be familiar as is noted by THR...
"Black Hats blends fact with fiction in its telling of the story involving an older Earp, the one who spent his last years as a private detective and movie consultant in Los Angeles. The spin involves Earp learning that his friend and compatriot Doc Holliday had a son, now living in Prohibition-era New York City. While Holliday is long dead, the son has gotten himself in trouble with a rising mobster, Al Capone.
Earp teams up with Bat Masterson, one of his former deputies and now noted sportswriter for the New York Morning Telegraph, to take on the gang in what becomes a tale of six-shooters versus tommy guns."
Black Hats is to be adapted by 300 co-writer Kurt Johnstad and produced by Kickstart Productions. We'll keep you posted as we learn more. Until then, visit THR for more details.
Note: If you say the title of the film quickly, it sounds as if the movie is about unlucky feline. Just sayin, is all.