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Eugene Roddenberry Jr. Talks Star Wars

Posted By Mike on July 8, 2008

Our friend John Tenuto sent over the following:

"Eugene Roddenberry Jr. who is the son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry has a new video blog at Roddenberry.com all about Star Wars.

In the video he talks about his own personal feelings on how great Star Wars is, then talks incredibly nicely about his interview with George Lucas which Eugene Roddenberry Jr. conducted for his documentary.

It is nice to see such great appreciation for Star Wars from the son of the creator of Star Trek. There are plenty of people who are fans of both franchises, and they have always shared a kind of simpatico from Star Wars helping get Star Trek back on the big screen to ILM amazing effects for the Star Trek feature films and The Next Generation television show.

Also, it is kind of interesting how now Star Wars (primarily feature films) is becoming a television show and Star Trek (primarily a television show) returns to theaters in 2009.

Here is the link for fellow fans"

Thanks John!

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Her Universe Unveils New May The Fourth SW Products
Posted By Eric on May 1, 2013:
Six new items go on sale on May 4th

Star Wars Day Approaches: Prepare For The Puns
Posted By Eric on April 29, 2013:
SW Blog guest post from a TFN writer

USA Today Conducts ROTJ Retrospective Interviews
Posted By Eric on April 29, 2013:
Updated! McDiarmid, Bulloch, and others weigh in

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