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Election Takes a Star Wars Turn

Posted By JG on November 4, 2006

A former TFN humor editor is in the running for a local elected position in North Carolina and writes in with some of the media coverage of it since he's taken it in a decidedly Star Wars direction. Will it help him win? Who knows ...
On November 7th I'll be on the ballot here in Rockingham County, NC as a candidate for school board. All told there are sixteen candidates running for five seats on the board: the most candidates in one race in county history. Obviously something was needed to help distinguish me. Well, I made a commercial that ran on local television here and? let's just say I couldn't leave my love of Star Wars alone.

In the ad the Death Star blows up a little red schoolhouse, as a metaphor for the over-meddling that the federal government does with education a'la No Child Left Behind. In the second half of the ad you see me wielding a lightsaber while I talk about what I believe and where I stand on some issues. Well, the ad received a lot of regional attention and this past Thursday myself and two other candidates that have been running offbeat TV ads made it into the A section of The New York Times at the top of an article about local elections across the country.

We aren't mentioned by name in the article, but it does have a great pic with screengrabs from all three commercials, including a shot of me swinging the lightsaber.

(You can also watch the two other candidates' commercials from this post on my blog and you can watch all three commercials from my campaign on my campaign website. All told these commercials give a pretty good idea how quirky this whole race has been :-)

We'll let you know after the election how he did! And Brent tells us there's a wookiee running in Canada, too.

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Her Universe Unveils New May The Fourth SW Products
Posted By Eric on May 1, 2013:
Six new items go on sale on May 4th

Star Wars Day Approaches: Prepare For The Puns
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SW Blog guest post from a TFN writer

USA Today Conducts ROTJ Retrospective Interviews
Posted By Eric on April 29, 2013:
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