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Darth Vader Had A Personality Disorder

Posted By Mike on July 3, 2010

If you thought that Darth Vader had some pretty serious psychological problems, you're not alone. LiveScience presents evidence that everyone's favorite Crispy Sith suffered from borderline personality disorder.

From the article:

The tragic hero of the "Star Wars" prequels displays patterns of instability and impulsivity in the second and third films that make him an obvious candidate for borderline personality disorder (BPD), according to French psychiatrists and psychologists.

Lord Vader may have men in white armor fighting for him, but now he has to worry about men in white coats coming for him.

Check out the full story here!

UPDATE: Friend of TFN, (and former fan fiction archive editor) Linda, sent over the following link to an article at Psychology Today which disputes Vader's diagnosis above.

"Randi Kreger, the lady who writes this blog, is an expert on borderline personality disorder. She has written a book for families of BPD sufferers, "Stop Walking on Eggshells," which has sold 500,000 copies and been translated into eight different languages, plus two other well received books on BPD. She speaks internationally at conferences about BPD, and her website gets about 30,000 unique visitors a month. I was really flabbergasted to work with her on this...I hope you post it as news!"

Thanks Linda. News posted! Click here for the detailed read.

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