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Catch John Williams' Fort Worth Rehearsal

Posted By Mike on March 15, 2010

Not able to get a ticket for John William's April 20th perfromance in Forth Worth, Texas? Apparently that was the case for a lot of folks so now tickets are being sold for his rehearsal.

From the Fort Worth Business Press:

"Kind of dismissive to identify John Williams as ?the Star Wars composer? and just let it go at that ? but the bravura maestro remains best known for that picture?s stirring orchestral themes of 1977 et seq., despite a film- and television-scoring career that dates from the 1950s into the present day. The resume becomes all the more extensive if one counts the assignments performed under an early alias, Johnny Williams.

A favorite popular attraction in Fort Worth, the Hollywood-based Williams has long since sold out an April 20 concert with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. So the orchestra has come up with a mass-appeal alternative that may prove even more enlightening than the formal concert: Williams? rehearsal that same day with the Fort Worth Symphony has been opened up to paid admission, with tickets ranging from $15 to $40. (Rehearsal time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 20, Bass Hall; reservations at www.fwsymphony.org or 817-665-6000.)"

Click here for the full article.

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