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Behind The Scenes With Return Of The Jedi

Posted By Mike on November 8, 2011

The one and only Jovial Jay found an awesome post at PropStore.com where we're taken back to the 1982 desert filming location of Jabba's skiff from Return of the Jedi. The post is filled with a variety of behind-the-scenes snapshots from the Buttercup Valley set that include familiar looking stunt doubles, actors, producers, props, and even the demise of Boba Fett. Here's the intro to give you a feel for what's in store:

"It was the Spring of 1982. In the Southern California desert region known as Buttercup Valley, cameras were rolling on a film called BLUE HARVEST: HORROR BEYOND IMAGINATION. A SoCal science-fiction nut named Mike Davis had heard rumors about the production just having gotten under way. He and his pals decided to pack up some camping supplies and go check it out. This was the 1980s, a time when film productions were able to remain much more secretive than they do today, due in large part to the producers being able to stem the flow of information much more effectively in the absence of the internet. But just Earthling spies do their best work when boots are on the ground, so too would Mike Davis and his network of Bothan spies.

None of these Bothans died to bring us this information, but they did get sand everywhere imaginable (and unimaginable). The photography that follows is a never-before-published archive of private shots snapped on set during the filming of RETURN OF THE JEDI."

Click here and take your time looking through the photo gallery. There's a lot to take in!

Thanks Jay!

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