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501st Costa Rica Outpost Fundraising

Posted By Mike on November 27, 2007

Our friend "Grand Admiral Ed" sent us the following news form the 501st Costa Rica Outpost:

"One of the most important missions of the 501st Legion is to CONTRIBUITE to social causes. To fullfil this mission Costa Rica Outpost has begun a series of Fundrising missions for the COSTA RICA's TELETON.

The Teleton is the biggest fundraiser event in Costa Rica, it's main goal is to improve Costa Rica's National Children Hospital.

This year's goal is to build the new cardiovascular surgery unit for our National Children's Hospital. To fullfil this goal Teleton's organizers, Club Activo 20 /30, plans to collect 400 millions colones (around US$800 000).

The first fundriser event was yesterday (November 24th), at Paseo de las Flores Mall. The 501st was able to collect a lot of money for the cause. We even made a special video from this event, with help from producer and director Marco Morales from Videocast Studios.

You can watch this video at 501st. Costa Rica Outpost main website (www.501stcr.com)

There are still more special foundriser missions in the next days:

December 1ST & 2ND: At Museo de los Ni?os (Children Museum) both days from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00pm.

December 7th & 8th: At Palacio de los Deportes. The main event to be broadcast on all Costa Rica's TV Stations.

If someone would like to make a donation, you can visist Costa Rica Teleton's official webpage WWW.AYUDEMOS.COM"

Thanks Ed!

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