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Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of mail from a lot of people. Often, the letters ask similar questions. So in order to answer questions for you easier, check out our answers to these Frequently Asked Questions.

General Star Wars Questions

What is the Star Wars Holiday Special and how can I get a copy of it?
How can I get a part in the Prequels? How do I get in touch with LucasFilm?
Will you sell me one of the books or toys I saw on your Website?
What are some of those abbreviations you use?

Technical Questions

What software do you use to put this site together?
How do I (use SSI, Frames, HTML, CGI Scripts, Mailing Lits, etc.)?
Will you host my site?

Legal Questions

Aren't you afraid LucasFilm will find out about your little operation and shut you down?

General Star Wars Questions

What is the Star Wars Holiday Special and how can I get a copy of it?

The Holiday Special aired on television back on November 17th, 1978. It was an incredibly horrible show that was about Chewbacca trying to get to his family and home planet for Life Day (i.e. Christmas) All of the original actors were in it, plus Bea Arthur, Harvey Korman, and Art Carney. It was sooooo bad. Lots of disco, endless growling by Wookiees, Jefferson Starship, and an awful life-day song sung by Carrie Fisher (to the tune of the Star Wars theme). Lucas hates it and Fisher denies she ever did it. The only good part is a short cartoon that introduces Boba Fett, his first appearance ever. All the original actors (Ford, Fisher, Hamill, Daniels) did the voices for the cartoon, too. It is the only redeeming part of the show. Though it is bad, it is an interesting part of Star Wars history that most fans will want to check out once. (Yeah, once is enough)

If you want a bootleg copy of it, go to the collectors newsgroup and say you want to buy one. Somebody should help you out. You can also try a comic or sci-fi convention. Don't pay more than $10 for one (we bought ours for $7 at a convention). It will probably never be released by Lucasfilm, so don't hold your breath waiting for a clean copy.

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How do I get in touch with LucasFilm?

While we do have some contact with Lucasfilm representatives, they don't want their addresses released to the public.

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Will you sell me one of the books or toys I saw on your Website?

No. But we can try and help you find one of your own. Just ask us.

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What are some of those abbreviations you use?

Here are a few of the abbreviations you may see throughout this site:

MTFBWY - May The Force Be With You

SW - Star Wars
ANH - A New Hope
(T)ESB - Empire Strikes Back
ROTJ - Return of the Jedi
OT - Original Trilogy
SE - Special Edition
TPM - The Phantom Menace
AOTC - Attack of the Clones
ROTS - Revenge of the Sith
TCW - The Clone Wars
EU - Expanded Universe

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Technical Questions

What software do you use to put this site together?

A variety. Since we have several staff members, and each has his or her own preferences, the list varies wildly. Some of the other guys are Windows users, so they edit off-line using Dreamweaver, Homesite, or Wordpad. For graphics, Photoshop is the tool of choice. The site uses publishing software from CHQ.

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How do I (use SSI, HTML, ASP, JavaScript, Mailing Lists, etc.)?

We'd like to help you out, but we all have school or jobs in addition to doing the site. You should Google any of those terms to find information on them.

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Will you host my site?

We get a lot of requests to join TheForce.Net, but joining is by invitation only. Sorry.

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Legal Questions

Aren't you afraid LucasFilm will find out about your little operation and shut you down?

We can't speak for Lucasfilm, but we think they have no desire to shut down responsibly run fan sites.

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If you have any questions not covered in this FAQ then please contact us.

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