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What are you most looking forward to about Episode 2?

The Jedi, their different fighting styles. (by Chucksw)

The final battle (by Bryan Sharp)

Seeing Qui Gon as a ghost! (by sir spanky)

More Natalie Portman! (by Matty Ladd)

Obi Wan & Anakin's relationship. (by Darth Dom)

Seeing some new jedi powers (by medina)

Seeing how Obi-Wan has changed and grown as a Jedi. (by Fakename99)

Seeing the further evolution of Anakin's character. Maybe answer some of those nagging questions concerning his past. (by wolfhavenproductions)

Seeing Plo Koon fight! (by KickflipDave)

I think I'm looking forward to just the story continuation, To see how it all began. Meeting some of our old favourite characters and Seeing life Before the federation took over. (by Irina)

This is way too hard! EVERYTHING!!! (by JarJarFields)

Return of the Windu (by SgtFretSurfer)

Blue and Silver Mandalore armour (by Jon C)

A more "mature" Jar Jar (by John C)

The chance to see a Star Wars film which I haven't memorized line by line. (by Adam Lenhardt)

Anakin's turn to the dark side (by Boba X)

Natalie Portman in a more sexy & dramatic role. (by Chris)

Seeing Padme be more human because she is so babelicious. (by Wacky Bantha)

Finally seeing what a Jedi REALLY can do. (by eROKv)

The fall of the Jedi. (by DarthQueeg)

Padme, Anakin, Obi, Duels, fights, and Clones - George, will show us the Magic!! (by Darth Crow)

A tight cliffhanger ending. (by Thor)

The inner conflict of Anakin (by Dudewalker)

We get to see why Yoda is called a Jedi MASTER! (by Jon Passow)

The cgi landscapes (by Dudewalker)

The love story, lightsaber duels, Jango Fett, Christopher Lee as Count Dooku...what's there not to like about this movie?? (by HabsUnited)

Clones attacking!!! (by Eeth-My-Koth)

The camaraderie of all star wars fans waiting in the lines at midnight (by Kal Vander)

To see real human emotions, weaknesses, suffering and triumph as Anakin's story and personality develops. (by JaraMade)

The first official teaser trailer (by anonomous)

The continuation of the greatest saga ever! (by colophonic)

Knowing my kids are both old enough to enjoy Star Wars as I once did (by gridcurrent)

Another saga in the greatest epic story of all time (by Kaye-Gon Jinn)

I am looking forward to seeing a visual interpretation of the Clone Wars, it has been over twenty years. (by Jawaswag)

The tingle up my spine that I received after viewing ESB for the first time!! (by RYAN)

That we will see more alien jedi. (by lordobin)

I hope Padme ends up wearing one of Jabba's slave girl outfits... (by Axel V)

New music by John Williams (by Mike)

The space combat, including some of the ships we're familiar with from the EU like the VSD finally coming on screen. (by Commander Vantares)

Taking my son to his first Star Wars on the big screen, and watching his face when the titles start. (by JohnnyVader)

Seeing how strongly the Force is with Anakin (by Ttefabob)

The origin and the background of the Fett clan/family. (by Bob)

I'm mostly looking forward to all the lighsaber action there will be in EII (by Darth Justin)

New Legos! (by /\/\ichael)

That it will bring back a "sense of scale" to the Prequel trilogy. (by Sean G)

Christopher Lee adding a touch of "hammer house of horror" to the whole SW universe (by PeeknPoke)

Getting rid of the fake fans and uniting the real fans. (by Nathanielstarr)

A well choreographed, extended space chase/battle (by Patman)

Another cantina like scene! (by PeeknPoke)

"I am not afraid." (by Harald)

I'm looking forward to waiting in line again, the anticipation of it all. I can't wait to be sitting in that theater and seeing the lights go down. It's not really the movie, it's the anticipation. (by MJ's back)

Natalie Portman in skintight white outfit (by Anthony)

All the over merchandising of products like Anakin pyjamas! (by Wow, It Got Through)

Mainly I can't wait to see C3PO fully dressed and in action. (by Trent)

I can't wait to see how they develop Anakin to be "the best starpilot in the galaxy, a cunning warrior and a good friend" (by jedicouncilmembercarzoo)

The "tie-ins" to the OT. Seeing more how it all comes together with what we already know. (by darthsidious32)

Sitting back in the dark with hundreds of other REAL fans on opening night and reading those magic words" A Long Time Ago in A Galaxy Far Far Away..." then letting Mr. Lucas' story take me there. (by Mr.Moto)

R2 and C-3P0 showing the comedy relief they did in the Original Trilogy. (by Old Biff)

The evolving Empire (by Adam Reilly)

The sights and sounds of a great Star Wars flick (by Ultimate fan)

Looking forward to new characters, vehicles which means new toys! (by Tim Esparza)

Ewan, Ewan, and more Ewan! (by Obiloon)

Seeing other Jedi such as Ki Adi Mundi in action (by Mark Popham)

Seeing more of Palpatine's scheming!! (by Mark Popham)

Seeing Anakin, at a believable age, as a central and heroic character (by Matthew Freeman)

I am most looking forward to fraternizing with likewise forward-looking fans (by stephenhero)

Kit Fisto! (by bret)

What I look Forward to about AOTC is AOTC...I can't wait for the movie no matter how good or bad it is; it will still be Star Wars. (by Jymm_Roquand)

I'm most looking forward to the political intrigue surrounding AOTC, and also the new character relationships. (by Sate Pestage)

The cheer from the audience when the 20th Century Fox Logo comes up. (by Jules)

References to the original trilogy. (by Jack mac)

Different colour lightsabers (by JackSlick5)

I'm looking forward to the buzz of Star Wars popularity again. (by pd conda)

Mace Windu wielding a lightsaber! (by no2masters)

Yoda with a lightsaber (by Jedi Master Creech)

The end of everyone's paranoid delusions that EP2 will suck, because it won't. (by Jedi Bob)

The day it comes out in theatres (by SKYHOPP867)

Standing in line for 5 hours with fellow fans for advanced tickets. (by Josh LaMorey)

Padme in her new white outfit (by SKYHOPP867)

Seeing how George explains how in the ten years since EP 1 anakin aged a great deal, while Padme looks as if she has actually grown younger? (by giddy moaw)

I can't wait to see George surprise us! I hope the magic is back. (by Anonymous Director)

More Bounty Hunters (by jango-joe1)

The moment all those fans who feel that they can decide what Lucas's vision is are completely wrong and regret it. (by Adam Garcia)

Taking my disabled brother to it, cause there's nothing that brings him more joy then starwars. (by trev)

Natalie Portman loses the fancy gowns, puts on sexy outfits. (by Anthony)

Standing in line for 6 days, getting fired for it, smelling bad...uh, I mean taking my kids to see it, and watching a mirror of myself at that age...very cool... (by Shaun Wilson)

Being with people who love Star Wars just as much as I do. (by Koonda Bose)

Seeing how they top Darth maul. (by shawn gruff)

The little chills that go down my back when the words "Star Wars" explode onto the screen-as the next chapter in the saga begins (by Jay)

The Jedi Council taking a more active role. (by Max "Sy Snootles" Calloway, Brazil)

George might be inspired to use old footage of Jake Lloyd from EP1 and add it into the film and cross cut past and present story lines (ala Godfather Part 2) (by grant peterson)

That the bitter, fake fans will either learn to love Star Wars or find something else. (by Brandon Frost)

I am looking forward to the political strategies of Palpatine and the rise of the empire. (by Justin)

A totally pointless scene that lasts at least 5 minutes in which we see Padme in that hot white outfit from every possible angle the cameraman could think of. :-) (by Arnaxis)

That AOTC will take Titanic's Box Office record (by Knappes)

Watching the trailer in a theatre, waiting in line to buy the tickets, the beginning, the middle and the end!!!!! I can't wait! (by Son of Skywalker)

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