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Mandy Bagwell (aka Minacia_Brightstar)
Email: minacia@fanforce.net

USA Southeast Forums

Official USA Southeast Chapters


Chapter Rep: Sage_Halcyon (Joe)
Email: hmhfilms@netscape.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Enterprise,_AL/b10583/


DAYTONA BEACH, FL - "Daytona Beachtroopers"
Chapter Rep: Jayna (Jessica)
Email: airbiscuit11@hotmail.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Daytona_Beach,_FL/b10368/
Website: http://beachtroopers.cjb.net

FT. LAUDERDALE, FL - "The Fandom Menace"
Chapter Rep: stacey113 (Stacey)
Email: stacey113@msn.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Ft_Lauderdale,_FL/b10300
Website: www.geocities.com/fandommenace

MELBOURNE, FL - "Space Coast Fanforce"
Chapter Rep: LordGoldenArrow (Arthur)
Email: Arthur@GoldenArrow.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Melbourne,_FL/b10415/

TAMPA BAY, FL - "Tampa Docking Bay 1138"
Chapter Rep: Sereana_Nightstar (Marie)
Email: Sereana_Knightstar@fanforce.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Tampa_Bay,_FL/b10085/
Website: www.Tampadockingbay1138.com


ATLANTA, GA - "Hothlanta Rebels"
Chapter Rep: Minacia_Brightstar (Mandy)
Email: minacia@fanforce.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Atlanta,_GA/b10063/
Website: www.HothlantaRebels.com

AUGUSTA, GA - "Augustan Raiders"
Chapter Rep: bluestarwizard (Chris)
Email: chris@bluestarwizard.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Augusta,_GA/b10412/

MACON, GA - "Macon Clones"
Chapter Rep: Allie Fox (Allie)
Email: macon_clones@yahoo.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Macon,_GA/b10076/
Website: www.geocities.com/macon_clones

North Carolina

CHARLOTTE, NC - "The Charlotte Separatists"
Chapter Rep: EagleIFilms (Gregory)
Email: gregory.harbin@gmail.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Charlotte,_NC/b10067/

RALEIGH, NC - "Triangle Trade Federation"
Chapter Rep: TallonKaardgamer (Don)
Email: donweinstein@yahoo.com
Forum: http://boards.fanforce.net/Raleigh,_NC/b10083/
Website: www.triangletradefederation.org

ROCKY MOUNT, NC - "Eastern Rim Outlanders"
Chapter Rep: JediRiff (Ray)
Email: JediRiff@hotmail.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Rocky_Mount,_NC/b10396/
Website: www.freewebs.com/easternrim

GREENVILLE, NC - "Emerald City Empire"
Chapter Rep: Jedi_Master_Kel (Kevin)
Email: yankeetex1@yahoo.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Greenville,_NC/b10570/

HAVELOCK, NC - "The Spice Miners"
Chapter Rep: UniversalDestiny (Jane)
Email: universaldestiny@fanforce.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Havelock,_NC/b10337/
Website: www.universaldestiny.freeservers.com

JACKSONVILLE, NC - "Jacksonville Jawa Hunters"
Chapter Rep: cinemafreak (Rich)
Email: rich@starwarsfanworks.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Jacksonville,_NC/b10441/
Website: www.jawahunters.com

WINSTON-SALEM, NC - "Secret Sith Society"
Chapter Rep: spooky-kid (Jason)
Email: pagan-jedi@fanforce.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Winston-Salem,_NC/b10087/

South Carolina

CHARLESTON, SC - "Dagobah Swamp Foxes"
Chapter Rep: motf-jan (Janet)
Email: jmi_jedi@yahoo.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Charleston,_SC/b10254/
Website: http://geocities.com/jmi_jedi

COLUMBIA, SC - "Columbia, SC Palmetto Alliance"
Chapter Rep: DarthLazious (Britton)
Email: darthlazious@yahoo.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Columbia,_SC/b10069/
Website: www.geocities.com/columbia_sc1/fanforce.html

GREENVILLE, SC - "The Upstate Rebel Alliance"
Chapter Rep: Darth_Yalc (Clay)
Email: nomrahyalc@aol.com
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Greenville,_SC/b10071/


CHATTANOOGA, TN - "Chattooine Outer Rim Lookouts"
Chapter Rep: Layren (Lauren)
Email: lmothompson@comcast.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Chattanooga,_TN/b10068/

MEMPHIS, TN - "Suspicious Mind Trick"
Chapter Rep: Qui-Gon Tim (Tim)
Email: tim@suspiciousmindtrick.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Memphis,_TN/b10077/
Website: www.suspiciousmindtrick.net

NASHVILLE, TN - "Nashville After Darth"
Chapter Rep: DVDMaster (Zach)
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Nashville,_TN/b10081/
Website: www.nashvilleforce.com

KNOXVILLE, TN - "The Knox-Wings"
Chapter Rep: Jar Jar (James)
Email: fanforce@comcast.net
Forum: http://boards.theforce.net/Knoxville,_TN/b10075/

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