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Illustration Nation Now Available On DVD

Posted By Dustin on May 24, 2009

The latest feature from Star Wars artist Matt Busch, ILLUSTRATION NATION is now available on DVD- exclusively at MattBusch.com. The film follows the real-life adventures of Busch through the heart of Hollywood, across historical London bridges, and storming streets of fantastical Tokyo. More than just a promotional tour, ILLUSTRATION NATION is an uncensored look at fandom and the pop culture industry that drives it. The pulse-pounding documentary also features rare cameos ranging from Anthony Daniels (Star Wars) to Gene Simmons (KISS, Family Jewels) to adult film legend Seka.

Busch has been called the "Rock Star of Illustration" having worked on numerous Hollywood properties like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Night of the Living Dead. Busch's work is also highly sought after in the music world, with clients ranging from Ozzy Osbourne to Foo Fighters to Jessica Simpson. ILLUSTRATION NATION covers the last two years of travels, fresh off the heels of Busch's first independent movie, Conjure, a supernatural thriller which shattered records in the indie horror scene. Since then, Busch has created over a dozen video shorts based on the book You Can Draw Star Wars, which have also broken records with online viewing, gaining more than one million plays on MySpace alone.

In addition to the feature, which runs approximately 1 hr 45 min, the ILLUSTRATION NATION disc includes bonus features, including an exclusive step-by-step tutorial that Busch demonstrates on pin-up painting. The cost of the DVD is only $19.95, and for a limited time, orders will come with a free V.I.P. plastic pass from the theatrical premiere! Other ILLUSTRATION NATION merchandise, including T-Shirts, Bandanas, and Shot Glasses are also available at MattBusch.com. Please note that this documentary is Not Rated by the MPAA, and is not intended for children.

You can order the DVD, as well as other ILLUSTRATION NATION merchandise right now, right here:

You can view a brand new trailer for ILLUSTRATION NATION, which features footage from the theatrical premiere right here:

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