The 2006 Fan Film awards show just wrapped up here at San Diego Comic Con and the winners are...
George Lucas Selects -- Shane Felux, Pitching Lucas
Audience Choice Award -- Shane Felux, Pitching Lucas
Spirit of Fandom Award -- Michael Q. Yowhan, Memoirs of a Padawan
Best Comedy -- Brian Silva, Sith'd
Best Commercial Parody -- William Grammer, Blue Milk
You'll notice that Shane Felux took home the top two awards for "Pitching Lucas", a first in the Fan Film Awards history! Congrats to all the winners! To check out all the films please visit right here.
On a side note, we were treated to a special sneak peek trailer of Fanboys from director Kyle Newman. This movie is going to be a huge hit, and is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2007!
For more information on the Fan Film Awards, please visit today!