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a word from the director

[Brian Finifter] A Word from Brian Finifter

There is nothing in my life that I find as satisfying and enjoyable as filmmaking. There is absolutely nothing that I would rather spend my time doing. Even so, filmmaking requires an extraordinary amount of drive and self discipline. No matter how wonderful the script or how clever the idea, I guarantee that you will grow tired of it before it comes time for the premiere.

This is multiplied when there is a tiny crew and no budget, and a director's workload and responsibility is tripled or quadrupled. Add to this the fact that filmmaking is eternal and tedious, and it's a wonder any films are ever completed.

The Injured Stormtrooper sat on the shelf for a very long time after being shot, largely because shooting had been so exhausting, and I quickly grew tired of the jokes, the concept, and most of all, actually working on the damn thing.

It would've been very easy to simply never pick it up again, to tell myself for as long as I needed that I'll get around to those greenscreen pickup shots soon, and never actually doing it. And indeed, I did that for a long time. The thing about filmmaking, though, is that it is impossible to make a movie on your own. So many other people have to put so much energy into your project and your ideas, especially when there is a set that needed to be built mostly from scratch in less than a week's time, that to let all that effort simply fade away with nothing to show for it is unconscionable.

So, to all those that gave up so much sleep and valuable Spring Break time, and to those that pestered me about finishing it, and to those that continued to help into the horribly tedious post-production process, thank you. I hope that I can now put this aside for a long while, and maybe when I come back to it, I'll be able to look at it with fresh eyes.

I never get tired of seeing my name in those Star Wars credits though.

Brian Finifter

Director, The Injured Stormtrooper

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