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a word from the director

[Jason S. Alexander] A Word from Jason S. Alexander
Directors of "A QUESTION OF FAITH"

I would first like to mention that the work on this film has been largely a group effort. The ideas and individual expertise that have been contributed by everyone involved have proven to be indispensible. In a sense, we are all directing.

Athough for the most part this is an action film, I am also trying to relay the dramatic aspect of the story. We are putting as much effort into our dialogue and acting performance as we are the choreography and battle sequences. Well, almost as much. Truth be told the original premise of this movie was simply to show some exciting and well choreographed saber fights. As production progressed, more character depth and dialogue became the greater issue. The result, we hope, will be a well rounded film that will appease both the thrill seekers and the plot seekers.

As for our background, everyone in this production currently works for Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. For those of you unfamailiar with this attraction, it is a two hour re-enactment of a medieval jousting and hand-to-hand combat tournament. Between us we have some 18 years experience handling weapons, and choreographing fights. When the oppurtunity arose to apply this to an actual Star Wars film, or at least as close as we'll get to one, it was just too exciting to pass up. We started working on it before there was anything to work on. We had choreographed two fights before we even purchased a video capture card. And then of course came the software - thank the Force fortutorials. Many hours and much hard drive space was laid waste learning to make a simple lightsaber.

Why are we doing this? An undying devotion to the Star Wars saga? The thrilling idea that we can hurt ourselves in an entirely new arena? Or just a love for the performing art? Of course there is always the lingering hope that George himself will take notice... or maybe we're just adrenaline junkies. Personally I think it's all of the above. What else would inspire someone to spawn a fan film?

On a final note, I would like to thank TFN for hosting our film, and to all those who have offered their help and advice. To our friends and significant others who have endured the long hours of production and incessant Star Wars ramblings. Thanks for your patience. Oh yeah, nd thanks to Jimmy Shwandt for not screwing us up! Bet you thought we'd forget! Hope you all enjoy the film.... it is our first, but certainly not the last.

Jason S. Alexander

Director, A Question of Faith

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