A Word from Chris Hanel
So it's fitting that our episode "Return of the Llama", Episode 6, would be the one to kick off Digital Llama Radio being hosted by TFN. Many of you know how how much we love doing this, and we love the fact that you people get such a kick out of it. So, it's a win-win situation, and we're going to be doing this for as long as we can.
What some of you don't know is that Digital Llama Radio almost never got off the ground. The concept of DLR was born during heavy production on The Formula, and even though I pitched it hard to everyone involved, it was still thought to be not worth the bother. We had a fanfilm to make, after all. And we had no equipment. Even I had to admit, I was skeptical that it was something we could pull off.
We had experience in the area though. One of my earlier part-time jobs during high school was working the mixer at a local radio station, mixing our own commercials into the breaks of a national talk show. The hours weren't great, I couldn't really stand the talk show, but the knowledge I took away from it and the tutelage I was given was more than worth it.
On the comedic side, all of us have been either amateur or professional actors at one point or another. Abe's exploits are well known in the local theater community, and I've had a few lead and not-so-lead roles. Steve works at a production studio, and gets to be in a lot of the commercials he produces.
So we had the skill, we just needed the time and the equipment. The equipment we got for a steal from West Music (thanks to David and crew), and the time we just basically said, "We're doing this THIS Saturday, no matter what!!!" And the rest is history. We never expected it to come to this level of popularity, though we knew the potential was there. Now we only hope when our movie comes out, people will like it as much. (Our radio show is more popular than our movie in progress, whoda thunk?!)
I have to thank TheForce.net and Jeff Yankey for hosting us here, it's a kick in the head that we've come this far. Also, thanks to all the people that listened to us from the TFN fanfilm boards, your encouragement and continued support were the reason we didn't stop at the first episode. Thanks to Ewingsquadron, our true "biggest fan", Nathan Butler, a true friend that I will always stand behind, Mark Thomas be damned; Rick Sellers, Eric Hanson, Scott Schulte, and Ric Swann, guys in the radio business that put up with all my annoying questions and encouraged me to go further; Kevin Rubio, Justin Dix, Clay Kronke, Drunks with Sticks, DallasKnights, Joe Monroe, Crew of Two, and all others that have come before us... for giving us something to gawk at and talk about on the radio... if not for you, we would not be where we are today.
And of course, Thanks to George Lucas... I leave his thanks until last because his is the most important. George, you live a life that we can only simply watch in awe... you prove to us every day that our most excellent dreams can someday be our reality. Everything you see on these pages is our love letter to the universe that you have created for our amusement. We may pick on Jar Jar, but only because we care.
And George... Episode 7... think about it. For us. :)
Chris Hanel
Director, Digital Llama Radio