A Word from Clarence, Calvin,
& Cary Ho
Creators of "ART OF THE SABER"
Thanks to all those who took the time to e-mail us comments and suggestions regarding our proof-of-concept, from which, we used in the development of Art of the Saber. We greatly appreciate your praise as well as your interest in our project, and we hope you enjoyed this short film as well.
For those interested in the creation process of the movie, it took four days of filming during the early summer of 2002 in a small woods in Maryland using a Sony mini DV camcorder and several plastic lightsabers. Editing was done using Adobe Premiere 6.0 and special effects were added using AlamDV. Obviously, we are not actors nor film students/professional film makers by any stretch of the imagination. We simply thought creating a short movie would be a fun project. It was.
Clarence, Calvin, & Cary Ho
Creators, Art of the Saber