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With the evolution of services like YouTube.com we will no longer be hosting Fanfilms on our servers at TheForce.net. However, we are always looking for great new content to feature in our Fanfilms section. If you are the director of your own Star Wars related Fanfilm, and would like it featured, please contact us for more information. Meanwhile we're archiving our older content below for future reference.

Submission Process

I have submitted a film, now what?

The TFN FanFilm's staff will take a look at the link provided. Because we are busy working on the site and dealing with our own lives, if the link is not correct, we do not have time to search your site for the movie. Also, idrive, driveway, or websites that require additional registration cannot be used because we cannot get in them. If you do not provide a direct link to your footage, we will not review it.

Who judges the films?

John is the initial contact. Kurt, Michael, and Jeff also have access to the submissions but most likely John will be doing the initial reviewing. The TFN FanFilms staff then makes a decision to host, reject, or ask for more information.

When can I submit my film?

We only accept films that are at most within two months of completion. In addition, we only review films that have included a significant portion of completed footage, or have offered a way to provide completed footage. A simple trailer is not enough to judge your film by. We do not review scripts or ideas.

What are the films judged on?

  • Story - If your film is in-universe, does the story actually fit the Star Wars universe? Is the story coherent and thought out? Is the story unique or have we seen this type of film in other fan films?
  • Characters - Do the actors fit the parts they are playing? Can the audience accept the person for who they are supposed to be? Can the actors even act?
  • Composition - Do the director and director of photography understand basic filming techniques? Do they use lighting correctly?
  • Location - Do the backgrounds look correct? Are the backgrounds fitting for the film? Are all mundane objects removed from all shots?
  • Technical - Do the effects detract or enhance the film? Have they made simple mistakes that have been covered in tutorials? Are the effects up to par with most current films?
  • Choreography - Do the fights look natural? Do the fighters look at least somewhat skilled at what they are doing?
  • Audio - Is the audio mixed correctly? Does the audio fit the video and the effects?
  • Screen Footage - Unless your film is a documentary and/or has the proper clearances, do not submit a film with footage you do not own the rights to use. If your film uses unlicensed screen-used footage from ANY copyrighted property, it will be rejected.

Why are the standards so high?

Several reasons. TFN FanFilms is recognized as a leader in the fan community. It is expected that TFN will only host the very best in fan films. Also, hosting does cost a lot of money so we much select those films that people will want to view over and over. As a distributor, we want our name on people's minds when they think of fan films. We are by far the most active site in accepting films, so we get a lot of films to consider. We have to narrow them down and the only way to do it is by high standards. We want to impress other film web sites with the creativity and resourcefulness of the Star Wars Fan Film makers.

What format should I submit the film in?

Quicktime, preferably, as that is the format we present all of our films in. If not that, MPEG or AVI. Please do not use WMV or DIVX files - it will certainly increase the time it takes to review your submission. Any films submitted MUST become a Quicktime .MOV (with Sorenson codec) for release. We have worked with Sorenson MOV the most and found it to work well on Macintosh and PC. We are capable of compressing films we host to this format if they are sent to us uncompressed.

Should I consider doing a VHS or DVD copy?

Definitely, YES. If you work on your film at full resolution and 29.97 FPS (NTSC) or 25 FPS (PAL) then you can export it to the media. TFN FanFilms is often asked to do conventions and with a VHS or DVD copy, we can show your film to a large audience. We have done this at several conventions, and forsee continuing to do so.

I haven't gotten a response, what should I do?

We generally attempt to review and reply within 2-3 weeks, but that is not always possible, as real life does intrude from time to time. In addition, submissions often come through with incorrect e-mail addresses so check your address before you submit. If more than two months has passed, you should resubmit, not before.

What are my options if you reject my film?

There are a couple of web sites that may offer to host it. Check our TFN FanFilm forum and the FanFilms Forum. Don't be afraid to ask around. We encourage other sites to host as well so more film makers can find a home for their films.

Why did you choose to host that film?

Not everyone will agree on what is a good film and what is not. It's nothing personal - we choose films because we think they are good in several fields. Very rarely will a film have all the elements that everyone will agree makes a great fan film.

What is the hosting agreement?

By submitting, being accepted, and subsequently hosted at TFN FanFilms you are agreeing to give to TFN FanFilms sole rights to host and present your film. We rarely have issue with you presenting your film yourself, but prefer to be contacted before it is presented from other venues. We have no issue with your film being hosted at iFilms in addition to TFN FanFilms, but again, we would like notice so we can put up a news item.

What advice do you have to getting my film on TFN FanFilms?

  1. Work within your limits. If you do not know how to bluescreen correctly, do not try to make a film that requires you to learn on the spot. Do not try to make an epic film unless you have worked on a smaller film first. Work in steps.
  2. Do not rehash the same plot as other films. We have a lot of Jedi vs. Sith films. Unless you can match DUALITY, or RYAN VS. DORKMAN in choreography or ONCE UPON A JEDI or THE FORMULA with acting, your chances of being accepted are very low.
  3. Find people to fit the parts. Fan films require a suspension of belief, but do not stretch it. A teenage Jedi Master is just not believable. Clay Kronke from THE NEW WORLD and Joe Tesora from LEGACY OF THE JEDI are good younger Jedi Masters that pull it off.
  4. Costumes are going to be judged. All members of TFN FanFilms are also Star Wars costumers. If you are going to use canon characters such as Darth Vader or Boba Fett, make sure they look correct. If you are creating a new character, make sure the costume fits in the Star Wars universe. Remember that suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
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