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Star Boards Charity Skate Project

Posted By Dustin on April 28, 2012

Star Boards is a charity project involving 70 of the top UK Tattoo Artists across 51 top studios, small concave pieces of ply wood, 6 of the greatest films ever made and the Greatest Tattoo Convention the UK has to offer. The ?Star Boards? project was born. 70 Tattoo Artists and 70 blank skateboards for them to paint, model, spray, scratch or do whatever they want as long as it is STAR WARS related. The only limit is their imagination.

The finished boards will be displayed at Physical Graffiti tattoo studio in Cardiff from Saturday April 21st for 2 weeks prior to being displayed at the Liverpool Tattoo Convention. The boards will be on display May the 4th (Star Wars Day) to Saturday 5th May (Revenge of the Fifth) where there will be a silent auction. Any board that exceeds its reserve price will be won at the show, all remaining boards will be auctioned off on eBay.

All proceeds from the project are going to Ty Hafan, a children?s hospice in Wales. Ty Hafan offers comfort, care and support for life-limited children and young people and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of their whole family.

Check out the official website here. For a better look at the complete gallery of Star Boards, click here.

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September 27, 2008   The Clone Wars Skate Park
May 22, 2008   Star Wars Skateboard Wheels
April 14, 2008   Wookiee Skateboard

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