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Jedi Mario Tattoo Posted By Dustin on February 5, 2008
So my wife informs me that she wants to get another tattoo but she wants it to represent both of us. She really likes Strawberry Shortcake so she had this idea of a Vader / Strawberry combo which I immediately veto because well the imagery alone made me cringe. I suggested she use her number one passion Mario Brothers and maybe make Mario a Jedi. Next thing I know she's on crack space and has lined up Randy Martinez to do the artwork! Randy did an excellent job of drawing the Mario Jedi. ( *Thanks Randy! )
Now that the artwork is out of the way we needed to find a good tattoo artist. Using the powers of the internets we used the google to find a really talented artist, Matt Tomlison AKA: "Chu". Matt works at Mothers in Covington, KY. The crew at Mothers was top notch and I told them we'd be back again. Below is a video I made of the experience.