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The Systems and their Senators

Written by Ternian for TheForce.Net


Agrippa Aldrette was one of two aides to Viceroy Bail Organa and Senator Bail Antilles during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.

BAIL ANTILLES, Senator (Picture)
Bail Antilles was the Senator for the Alderaan System and represented the system along with Viceroy Bail Organa, Liana Merian and Agripa Aldrette. He was nominated to succeed Supreme Chancellor Valorum in the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo but lost out to Senator Palpatine of Naboo.

BAIL ORGANA, Viceroy (Picture)
Bail Organa pushed for the motion of ?No Confidence? in Supreme Chancellor Valorum to be voted upon in the special hearing set up by Valorum for Queen Amidala during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems began to attack the Republic, Bail Organa was part of the Loyalist Committee; a committee set up by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to commission an army to protect the Republic from Confederate forces. In the years spanning the downfall of the Republic and the beginning of the tyrannical Empire, Viceroy Bail Organa was replaced by Senator Leia Organa, his adoptive daughter.

LEIA ORGANA, Senator (Picture)
In the years of the Empire, Senator Leia Organa represented Alderaan in the Imperial. She often used diplomatic and mercy missions to disguise secret missions for the Rebel Alliance.

LIANA MERIAN, Aide (Picture)
Liana Merian was one of two aides to Viceroy Bail Organa and Senator Bail Antilles during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.


PO NUDO, Senator (Picture)
Po Nudo represented Ando during the events leading to the Clone Wars. He sided with the engines of commerce and became a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


DARSANA, Senator
Darsana represented Glee Anslem during the events leading to the Clone Wars. Senator Darsana was loyal to the ways of the Old Republic.


Fo Kuna was an Aide to Senator Zo Howler during the events leading to the Clone Wars.

HOROX RYYDER, Senator (Picture)
Horox Ryyder was the voice of reason during the invasion of Naboo. Representing Gravlex Med, Horox was invited to the Boonta Eve pod races on Tatooine by Senator Orn Free Taa?s friend, Bib Fortuna. However, he was unable to go and instead he sent a friend. By the time of the Clone Wars, Senator Horox Ryyder was replaced by Senator Zo Howler.

ZO HOWLER, Senator
Zo Howler represented Gravlex Med during the events leading to the Clone Wars. He was part of the Loyalist Committee; a committee set up by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to commission an army to protect the Republic against Confederate forces.


TENDAU BENDON, Senator (Picture)
Tendau Bendon represented Ithor during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.


YARUA, Senator (Picture)
Yarua represented Kashyyyk during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.


Ainlee Teem was nominated to succeed Supreme Chancellor Valorum during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo. He lost out to Senator Palpatine of Naboo.

ASK AAK, Senator
Ask Aak represented the Congress of Malasatre during the events leading to the Clone Wars. Senator Ask Aak was truely concerned for the events surrounding Senator Amidala of Naboo?s assassination and sought to keep the ideals of the Republic intact.

ASK MOE, Senator (Picture)
Ask Moe represented the Congress of Malastare at the time of the invasion of Naboo. When a special hearing was set up by Supreme Chancellor Valorum for Queen Amidala, Senator Aks Moe tried to stall the events by citing procedure. He seconded the motion put forth by the Trade Federation asking for a commission to be set up to ascertain the allegations put forward by the Queen of Naboo. By the time of the Clone Wars, Aks Moe had been replaced by Senator Ask Aak.

BASKOL YEESRIM, Aide (Picture)
Baskol Yeesrim was an Aide to Senator Aks Moe during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.


TESSEK, Senator
Senator Tessek left the politics of the old Republic to make some real money. He sided with Jabba the Hutt as his personal accountant.

TIKKES, Senator (Picture)
Senator Tikkes represented one of many tribes of Mon Calamari during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo. During the events leading to the Clone Wars, Senator Tikkes sided with the engines of commerce and became a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


AMIDALA, Senator (Picture)
Amidala was represented the Naboo during the events leading to the Clone Wars. There were two assassination attempts made against her by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during this time. While in hiding, on the advice of the Jedi Council, Senator Amidala was replaced by Gungan Representative, Jar Jar Binks.

JAR JAR BINKS, Gungan Representative
Jar Jar Binks represented the Gungan race in the events leading to the Clone Wars. He was a member of the Loyalist Committee; a committee set up by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to commission an army to protect the Republic from Confederate forces. While Senator Amidala was in hiding, Jar Jar Binks assumed the role of Representative for Naboo.

PALPATINE, Senator (Picture)
Palpatine represented Naboo during the invasion of Naboo. He suggested to Queen Amidala that she move a motion of No Confidence against Supreme Chancellor Valorum when things in the Senate were stalled by the bureaucrats. He was eventually nominated for Supreme Chancellor and succeeded in getting the position. During the events leading to the Clone Wars, Senator Palpatine was replaced by Senator Amidala.


NEETCHE KAA, Senator (Picture)
Neetche Kaa represented Rodia during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo. During the events leading to the Clone Wars, Neetche Kaa was replaced by Senator Onaconda Farr.

NOSKO, Consort (Picture)
Nosko was a Consort to Senator Neetche Kaa during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.

Onaconda Farr represented Rodia in the events leading to the Clone Wars. He was loyal to the ways of the Republic.


EDCEL BAR GANE, Senator (Picture)
Senator Edcel Bar Gane represented the planet of Roona during the events of the Invasion of Naboo. He seconded the motion of ?No Confidence? in Supreme Chancellor Valorum.

Ree Axel Ov served Edcel Bar Gane during the events surrounding the invasion of Naboo.


ORN FREE TAA, Senator (Picture)
Orn Free Taa represented Ryloth during the last years of the Republic. An indulgent politician, he was often flanked by many aides and consorts. He was also part of the Loyalist Committee; a committee set up by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to commission an army to protect the republic against Confederate forces. Orn Free Taa, although loyal to the Republic, flaunted the wealth the Republic had made available to him and saw politics as a sport.

MIELA, Consort (Picture)
Miela was Senator Orn Free Taa?s Consort during the events leading to the invasion of Naboo.

TC-8, Aide (Picture)
TC-8 was Senator Orn Free Taa?s protocol droid in the events leading to the invasion of Naboo.

Although Bib Fortuna played no part in the politics of the Senate, he often used his influence with senators like Senator Orn Free Taa to gain friends and alliances for his master, Jabba the Hutt. Leading to the events of the invasion of Naboo, he invited Senator Horox Ryyder of Gravlex Med to the Boonta Eve races on Tatooine.

Pampy was one of two assistants to Senator Orn Free Taa during the hearing set up for Queen Amidala by Supreme Chancellor Valorum .

SUPI, Aide
Supi was one of two assistants to Senator Orn Free Taa during the hearing set up for Queen Amidala by Supreme Chancellor Valorum.


YEB YEB ADEM?THORN, Senator (Picture)
Yeb Yeb Adem?thorn represented Swokes Swokes during the events leading to the invasion of Naboo. He was against the taxation of trade routes.


TOONBUCK TOORA, Senator (Picture)
Toonbuck Toora represented the planet of Sy Myrth during the Invasion of Naboo. However, during the years between the Invasion of Naboo and the Clone Wars, Senator Toonbuck Toora sided with engines of commerce and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


LEXI DIO, Senator
Lexi Dio represented Uyter in the events leading to the Clone Wars.

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