Galactic Senate:
Democracy in Action
Mas Amedda (Mass Am-med-dah)
Chagrian male: - Second in command to Chancellor Valorum, follows a strict code of honor.
Played by: Jerome Blake
ET Senators
Don't know their species or names, but they're there...
Edcel Bar Gane (Edsel Bar Gone)
Roonian male- Senator from Roona with the noble intentions of restoring democracy to the galaxy
Lott Dod
Neimoidian male- Neimoidian Senator under Darth Sidious' (PALPATINE'S!!!) thumb, Accompanied by a Trade Federation Financial Officer and Diplomat (pictured to the side)
Played by: Toby Longworth (voice)
Ask Aak
Gran male: Senator from Malastare, on the payroll of the Trade Federation
Played by: Mark Coulier (Voice by Marc Silk)
Bail Organa
Human male- Senator from Alderaan, helped Anakin and Obi-Wan in the Clone Wars, Adopted father of Leia Organa. Accompanied in the Senate by his aides, Agrippa Aldrette and Liana Marian.
Played by: Jimmy Smits
Senator / Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Former senator who siezed control of the Galactic Republic.
Horox Ryyder (Hor-ox Ride-er)
Unknown male- Senator who enjoys a good pod race. Due to his affiliation with Orn Free Taa in the senate, he was cordially invited to the Boonta Eve Festivites by Jabba the Hutt...
Orn Free Taa
Twi'Lek Male: Senator from Ryloth with a taste for luxury and lithe women... Greedy and over-nourished... Pictured on his arm is his consort, Miela.
Played by: Iain McCaig
Tikkes (Tee- kays)
Quarren male- Senator from the Quarren portion of Mon Calamari, he was a former businessman who found politiking more profitable.
Tonbuck Toora (Ton-buck Too-rah)
Unknown female: Formerly incorruptable, she finally gave into greed and now lives in luxury with her consort (right) on Coruscant.
Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum (Fin-ie Vah-lore-um)
Human male- Supreme ruler of the Galactic Republic, impeached through the actions of Queen Amidala and Senator Palpatine
Played by: Terence Stamp