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R2-KT St. Patrick's Day Patches

Posted By Dustin on February 26, 2012

This just in!

"KT friends,
I'm happy to announce we raised over $1500 for the American Heart Association as a result of the Valentine's Day patch run. Woo hoo! As someone who lost his brother and his childhood friend from heart failure, the AHA means a lot to me so I'm glad we could support it.

We are now wrapping up the KT holiday patch series with the last big holiday: St. Patrick's Day. I've been asked about it for over a year. Please see all three designs from Dave Lieu in the photo above.

We'll do design #1 in a big run, and designs #2 and #3 in much smaller runs (I was going with #1 only, but people are already asking for the other two). All proceeds will go to the St. Baldrick's charity organization (www.stbaldricks.org), a volunteer-driven charity committed to funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives.

Each patch is $7 like always, with all proceeds going to charity and shipping included to anywhere. Paypal r2kt@r2kt.com and indicate which designs you want and how many. Say "Slainte!" in the payment notes and we'll send you a KT sticker too! Order as many as you like, we can up the run if we have to and bring in more for St. Baldrick's! Spread the word, everyone likes Star Wars and a little green on March 17. :)


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