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Hasbro Star Wars Fans' Choice Poll Returns

Posted By Curto on August 1, 2009

One of the most exciting announcements out of San Diego Comic-Con was the return of Hasbro's Star Wars Fans' Choice Poll! After a few years off, it's once again time to rally around your favorite characters to see him/her/it immortalized in plastic.

First, ToyFare #146 will feature a special follow-up report on the 2006 Fans' Choice Poll, reviewing the Top 25 characters (seen in the photo above...which I've just updated) and their status. Hasbro has done 20 characters over the years from this list, so it's easy to see how important this the fan feedback is.

The next step is getting the collector feedback (if you're reading this, that means you!) for the voting.

Here is how that is planned to work:
1) All websites from the Q&A sessions will compile their RANKED top 30 character lists.
2) The lists will be submitted by Monday, August 24th.
3) All website lists will be combined and the characters ranked, in order for ToyFare magazine to determine the overall collector Top 30 characters. ToyFare #148 will reveal this list.
4) Then, WizardUniverse.com (ToyFare's parent website) will run the final poll to determine the overall winning character.

Hasbro will make one figure with the "Fans' Choice" designation, but as you can see, the list can potentially lead to a few years of great characters for them to work with.

Since Rebelscum has just concluded our 2009 Hasbro Wishlist Poll, we actually have our top 30 characters determined already! But, to make it a little more fun for you, we're going to open up the polls one more time and let you vote again. Now that you know how high the stakes are, the votes are that much more important.

Stay tuned next week as we launch the final Wishlist Poll Fans' Choice Poll!

Previous winners of the Fans' Choice Polls include:
  • Fans' Choice Figure No. 1 - Ellorrs Madak
  • Fans' Choice Figure No. 2 - Amanaman
  • Fans' Choice Figure No. 3 - Ephant Mon
  • Fans' Choice Figure No. 4 - McQuarrie Concept Trooper
  • Fans' Choice Figure No. 5 - Captain Antilles*
  • Fans' Choice Figure (Unofficial) - Imperial Trooper
  • Fans' Choice Figure No. 6 - Darth Revan**

    * Note that a tie was declared for figure #5, resulting in General Jan Dodonna being made.

    ** Note that Quinlan Vos was actually the winning character, but since Hasbro already had plans to make him, the second-highest ranking character was picked: Darth Revan. Quinlan Vos went on to get 2 figures in the Comic Packs line: his Dark Side outfit with Vilmarh Grahrk from the "Siege at Saleucami", and a partial Order 66 outfit with Commander Faie from the "Hidden Enemy". To date, he's never been made in his full Jedi Knight outfit, which he wore during his early adventures. Maybe one day....

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